Chapter 1

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(Y/n) P.O.V

"And the proper elixir for curing zombie bites are?" Professor Carcass asked.

I instantly pulled my hand up.

"Yes m'lady?" He asked I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"I told you already professor, call me (y/n)." I said. "The answer would be elixir of life anyways."

"Correct! Miraby, please pay attention!" The professor moved on. I sighed. This was how life was for me. I hated it!

Okay YOU might think it's cool to be a princess but I seriously doubt you could handle it for YOUR WHOLE LIFE! Every Disney princess rule applies!

I need to marry a prince, I have to take the throne, I need fairy godparents, I need to have a stupid flying horse and I can't choose who I want to be with! And that my friend is just the basics!

Being a 13 year old is hard, aside the pubescent changes... I'm supposed to be crowned queen in four days on my 14th birthday.

Once queen, I can't do anything I wish. I have to stay in my castle, take over the world of "Santashima".

However, that isn't what I want. True I'm human and I should supposedly be on earth but my stupid mum just had to complete a legend that shouldn't have existed.

So she became queen and now I'm stuck as stupid princess. The class bell rang to signal the end of a school day, happily I snapped my fingers and my equipment magically packed themselves up into my school bag.

I'm not supernatural. I'm ordinary. The creatures I go to school with are unnatural, fairies, elves, mermaids and all those gross icky stuff... I'm not girly.

The little crown on my head gives me my magic, my mother offered for a new one but I declined.

I ran outside the academy in disgust, going to the nearest bathroom to change out of the school uniform which was a dress... Ugh...

My private chariot arrived and I hesitantly stepped in.

It took me to my home and left me in the courtyard. I hurriedly ran to the great hall and bumped into my mother who was talking to my father.

"Oh your home! Good! We will be going dress shopping for your coronation! Although the seamstresses don't seem to mind making a new one... What do you think?" My father asked.

"Uh I was thinking otherwise... Like... I don't know... Visiting earth for like a day and coming back before I become queen....?" I asked.

My parents looked at me. "Oh don't be so serious sweetheart! You have a kingdom to run soon!" My mother laughed, patting my head.

"No I'm serious! Down there they learn cool things like maths, English ... And science!!! I wanna learn that stuff to!" I begged.

"Your a princess over magical creatures, not humans... You shall stay here." My father said.

"Oh and look at the new tiara for you!!! It's perfect for your coronation!!!" My mother squealed.

I looked at the headpiece in the glass case. It was silver and had one red Ruby in the middle. Apart from that, it was really big. It was made to fit the entire perimeter of my head.

And that was the part I hated. If I have to wear some stupid jewellery, could I at least have it to the point were its the size of my palm?!

I sighed angrily and stormed to my bedroom, sadly it didn't help my situation as it was pink...

The most dreaded colour in the world!! Couldn't it have been another colour?!

I sighed and looked at my magic mirror... Yeah... A little to far fetched for the "Disney princess" stereo type but I'm working on it!

"Mirror mirror on my wall,
Help me seek what I'm looking for." I stated.

The mirror fogged up a bit and cleared, showing a chariot outside my courtyard, my tiara and survival essentials then a magical looking place with a massive red bridge.

"Woah! Where is that?!" I asked in awe, making the mirror zoom out of the technicolored city. Unfortunately it showed Earth...

"Mirror mirror, show me the way,
And let me run there, far away!"

The mirror turned a greenish glowing colour and instantly began to make ripples like waters surface.

I touched the surface to find that it felt like nothing was there! My hand just went straight through!

"Does this take me to that city in Earth?" I asked myself, the green water like ripples faded and showed an alleyway beside a dock, beside it, the words "SAN FRANSOKYO" was written in big bill board letters.

"This is it! I can go to Earth! Be with people like me!... Just for a day of course... Or maybe two days... It's gonna be like a small holiday! Okay, okay... Just... Just let me get myself ready... AGH MY GOSH!!!"

I screamed, opening my bedroom door and tip toeing outside. I ran to the chariot that had a flying horse thing attached.

Shrugging, I used my magic to make the winged horse wingless and to shrink them both to a palm size... Poor horse.

I picked them up and placed them in a satchel and snuck into the main hall. I passed by many corridors when I saw the glass box.

In it was my tiara... Surely it was more powerful than the crown I already wore on my head.

I lifted the glass case silently and pulled the tiara out. And that's when it happened, the alarm blasted. I dropped the case and ran, hearing a crash behind me.

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