Chapter 13

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(Y/n) P.O.V

"Yes Hiro... I had to." I walked out from behind the pillar to reveal my stupid costume.

"But why?" Fred asked.

"This world would have been destroyed with ought a ruler... Those guard were gonna kill you to..." I mumbled.

"But... We are okay now... Right?" Wasabi asked. I stood up straight and nodded.

"Yeah... We are good." I gave a small smiled.

"So that's it... We win?" Tadashi asked.

"Yep... And I feel so bad for dragging all of you into this, I really do." I muttered.

A hand was placed on my shoulder, looking up I was surprised to see it was Baymax.

"It's okay (y/n), we are here for you."

"Thanks big guy." I grinned. "You should probably go, everyone will notice your absence." I smiled.

"But what about you?" Honey Lemon feared.

"Me?" I laughed. "I have a kingdom to run!"

"So... You're not coming back?" Hiro gasped. My eyes widened.

"I guess not..." I agreed.

"The I'll stay with you."

"Woah what?!"

"I'll stay with you." Hiro grasped my shoulders with both his hands. "I don't want to lose you."

"But what about Big Hero 6? They need a leader!" I protested.

"Then... Tadashi can be the leader."


"Yeah! It was your dream to help others anyways." Hiro showed a lopsided smile.

"But... What about SFIT?" GoGo exclaimed.

"Doesn't matter... Because I'll live with (y/n)!" Hiro said protectively, grasping my hand.

"Tadashi he can't stay!"

"Don't let him!"

"We can't lose our baby!!!"

"Fred i'm not your baby."


"Okay then..." Tadashi sighed.

"Thank you!" GoGo muttered.

"You can stay... I'll miss you though, be sure to visit." Tadashi grinned. The rest of the team member's jaw dropped.

"Hiro is happy when with (y/n) and vise versa." Baymax informed us.

"I promise bro." Hiro nodded.

"Take care of him won't ya? Your highness." Tadashi smirked, bowing down to me.

"Sure thing good sir." I returned the gesture.

"So... Your letting him go..." Wasabi mumbled.

"He'll say he wants to come with us... But that's because he doesn't want to see us sad." Tadashi grinned as Hiro was about to speak.

"It's just..."

"It's okay Hiro... Stay here, we wish you the best however." Honey Lemon smirked.

"Really? Thanks you guys..." Hiro blushed red.

"And don't do anything funny." GoGo stated, causing the raven haired boy and I to both blush red.

"Smell ya later dude and dudette!" Fred laughed as wasabi face palmed.

"Bye Hiro..." Tadashi said.

"Bye..." Hiro smiled.

"Bye baymax."

"I'll miss you all." Hiro cried, hugging me tightly. I cleared my throat and clapped my hands.

A red portal appeared and showed them their destination, home.

"If you ever wanna chat, tap the power rings two times." I called out to them as they one by one walked through the portal.

Once it had closed I turned to face Hiro.

"I love you (y/n)." Hiro smiled.

"I love you to." I grinned as we leaned in and kissed.

"I'll miss them though." I bit my lower lip.

"We can always visit." I stated, clicking my fingers. My poofy dress disappeared and was instantly replaced with my usual attire. "Don't be sad, they would want you to be happy." I grinned, clicking my fingers once more.

The little power ring on Hiro's ring finger disappeared as a small golden crown the size of my palm was placed on his head.

"I can barely see it under all your hair." I laughed as Hiro fixed it. "That's better."

"I can't believe I'm dating a princess." He smirked.

"Queen Hiro, queen." I reminded him.

"Yeah that's right... Queen." He muttered.

"So... Do you miss them?" I asked suddenly. Hiro jumped unexpectedly.

"The gang?"

"Who else?"

"I... I guess a little." He admitted.

"You'll visit I promise, don't be sad." I gave him a lopsided smile.

"Yeah... You're right." Hiro nodded his head in agreement. I hugged him tightly as he returned the gesture.

It's hard to say goodbye.

The End

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