Chapter 11

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Hiro's P.O.V

I jerked awake at the sound of screaming. "(Y/n)? What was that?... (Y/n)?" I whispered.

"She isn't here hiro." I heard baymax.

"What... (Y/n)?" I looked over her bed to see her not there, this wasn't good.

"Where is she?" I whispered worried.

"She left to sacrifice herself... She gave me her necklace so we could go back home." Baymax explained.

"So if she gives herself up for Tadashi... She won't come back... will she?" I asked nervously.

"No." Baymax stated. I frowned and slipped the power ring she gave me on.

"We're gonna get her... Help me wake the gang." I decided. No one gets left behind, not Tadashi, me, baymax or the gang... And NOT (y/n).

Baymax and I spent about ten minutes shaking everyone awake and explaining what had happened.

"So... She sacrificed herself for Tadashi?" Honey Lemon squealed. I nodded sadly.

"Well then! Let's go get Dashi and (y/n) back!" GoGo stated, earning sounds of agreement from everyone.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I woke up to someone placing a cold towel on my head. I looked up and screamed when I recognised the familiar face.

"TADASHI!" I shrieked loud and clear, the towel falling from my head.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing here?" He worried. At his words, I frowned.

"Well, I WAS trying to sacrifice myself for you but... I kinda was betrayed by the King and queen." I admitted embarrassed.

"So we are stuck here?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"Yeah... I kinda don't have my necklace or tiara thing which gives me my magic powers so we are stuck here." I sighed.

"So your mum and dad-"

"Aunt and uncle." I said bitterly, replaying the dramatic twists that happened not to long ago.

"Uncle and aunt?" Tadashi asked.

"Uncle Robert and aunt Gretchen... I fear they killed my cousin Abigail who I thought was my sister..." I cried at the thought.

"Robert and Abigail? That sounds like our professor!" Tadashi exclaimed.

"Well it doesn't matter... Tomorrow We are going to be killed..." I revealed.

"What?! That can't be right?! No..." Tadashi gasped.

"It's true." I confirmed as Tadashi hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry... this is my fault... I wish I could tell Hiro this to... If I had never run away, we wouldn't be in this situation." I cried heavily into his shoulder.

"Why do you mention Hiro?" Tadashi asked.

"Because I'll miss him the most." I blurted out, sobbing. Tadashi raised an eyebrow to signal me to keep moving.

"I LOVE HIM OKAY?!" I shrieked, collapsing in tears once more.

Hiro's P.O.V

The entire gang and I crept through the deserted hallways, looking for any sign of (y/n).

"Let's use these power rings to teleport to her!" Fred suggested. Now there was an idea.

With a click of our fingers, we all appeared in a dungeon, echoes of crying could be heard.

"Baymax, do you have (y/n)'s necklace still?" GoGo asked.

"Here." He stated, Handing her the said item.

"Show me where (y/n) may be." I whispered to the ring. All at once, a glowing ball of light appeared in mid air, it was a rosy red colour and shone brighter and brighter.

Instantly, it began to move forward so we followed. Turned around corners and passing hundreds upon hundreds of empty prison cells.

The sound of crying was getting louder and louder to. We turned right as a gasp could be heard.

The light had stopped in its tracks and popped like a bubble.

"Where now?" Wasabi asked. His question was soon answered by a loud piercing scream.

"LET GO OF US YOU STUPID IDIOTS!" That voice sounded familiar.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!!!" Another voice yelled, this one belonging to a male.

"I sense Tadashi and (y/n)'s presence." Baymax stated.

"That must be them!" Honey Lemon exclaimed.

"Let's go after them then!" Fred declared as we all rushed to the source of sound.

(Y/n) P.O.V

The guards gripped us tighter and dragged us along the prison. We were going to be killed today...

They changed the time to as soon as possible, so that we wouldn't have the chance of escaping.

I felt myself being forced down and locked into a guillotine, the huge blade ready to come crashing down on my head.

Tadashi was pleading them to take him instead of me but it was no use.

"Any last words." Aunt Gretchen smirked at me.

"Make it quick." Uncle Robert spat. If I could move my hands, I'd wipe the germs that were multiplying by the minute.

"Yeah... I REGRET NEVER TELLING HIRO HAMADA SOMETHING... I love him to!" I whispered.

"Please don't hit me..." I prayed to the guillotine.

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