Chapter 10

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I grabbed Hiro's arm and dragged him into the mansion, calling for the whole gangs attention.

"I have magic thanks to Hiro! We can go now!" I cheered. Everyone got prepared as I levitated above the ground.

"Stick close by me and everything will be fine" I assured them.

In a flash of pink and purple, I teleported us all into my old home.

Home sweet home.

We ended out In my bedroom which had remained untouched. "Where are we?" Honey Lemon asked.

"My disgusting bedroom." I stated.

"Come on, it's not that bad." Hiro stated.

"Um hello? It's pink AND purple, I wanna vomit these colours." I stated.

"Well what is the plan?" Honey Lemon asked.

"I don't know exactly where they are holding Tadashi hostage, so we will need to disguise ourselves..." I stated. With a wave of my hand, our attire had changed, no longer in battle suits, we wore extraordinary costumes.

GoGo, Honey Lemon and I all wore little dresses, unfortunately, that were all colour co ordinated with each other.

Hiro, wasabi and Fred ended up with mint little multicoloured tuxedos.

"Where do we go now?" Wasabi asked.

"I don't know... My parents keep prisoners left right and centre... We will have to do more undercover work." I stated.

"Which means?" Hiro asked.

"Which means we will have to attend school here for a bit..." I sighed.

"WHAT?!" GoGo asked.

"It's the only way! I can secretly interrogate the student's knowledge of Tadashi, the school is in this castle after all." I explained.

"In the mean time are we just gonna stay here?" Fred asked.

"Yeah... And I'll get rid of the door so no one can enter." I said, waving my hands and removing the door from existence.

I created some more beds and we all got ready for sleep. "Before we sleep... Take these." I said, passing them each a different coloured gem ring.

GoGo got yellow, Honey Lemon got pink, Hiro got purple, baymax got red, Fred got blue and wasabi got green.

"These rings have the basic magic skills you need for school tomorrow ... Get used to wearing them... It makes things a lot easier."
I said, slipping into my little bed and placing my necklace beside me.

"Thanks..." I heard Hiro whisper. I smiled and fell asleep into a deep sleep. That's when I woke up abruptly.

This was a waste of time. Anyone could get hurt if we were caught and I didn't want to risk that! It was my fault I left this castle and Tadashi got taken... Not theirs, so why should they suffer?

I got out of bed and changed into decent clothes, I summoned the door and placed my right hand upon it.

I suddenly felt two chubby arms hug me and restrict me from moving.

"(Y/n), are you going to turn yourself in to your parents?" Baymax's voice squeaked quietly. I turned surprised to see him, his head tilted to the right with curiosity.

"Yes I am bayamx, it's for the better... But I need you to look after the gang for me, tomorrow a portal which only you can open must take you home." I said, passing him my necklace.

"This Necklace is magical, it will help you home." I said, kissing baymax on the head and running outside. If my parents wanted me, then so be it.

I removed the door and quietly walked down the long corridor. I entered the throne room and stared at my parents who were fast asleep on their chairs, like the usual lazy people they are.

I screamed their names and they instantly woke up. "Who's there?!- (y/n)?!" My father yelled.

"Yeah! And I'm here to trade places with my friend!" I shouted.

"Oh! You mean the Tadashi boy?" My mother asked. I nodded.

"I think not, you will stay here and full fill your duties AND we will keep Tadashi." My father smirked. I gasped and took a few steps backwards, only to be bumped into one of the guards.

"Take her to her bedroom and lock her up." Were the instructions. My eyes widened when I realised the gang was in there.

"But my magic mirror is in there!" I exclaimed happily.

"Then put her in the dungeon with Tadashi." My mother called.

"You're awful parents!" I yelled. They only laughed at my statement.

"Call yourself clever but you haven't realised! We aren't your parents... We are your Uncle and Aunty!" they yelled.

"Wow... Dramatic twist..." I stated bored.

"And you will bow down to your aunt Gretchen and uncle Robert!" Robert bellowed.

"This twist keeps getting weirder and weirder by the second..." I stated.

"You failed to take our place so we shall take yours, at sundown you shall die with Tadashi!" Gretchen yelled.

"What?!" I yelled as the guard dragged me off. "Did you kill cousin Abigail to?!" I shouted, however I couldn't be heard.

"HELP! LET ME GO! SOMEONE HEL-" I stopped, it was useless. They dragged me to the dungeon and threw me into a cell with someone in it. My head hit the wall and I blacked out.

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