Chapter 8

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(Y/n) P.O.V

We all gathered at school and did our usual activities. Then the gang all met up at Fred's mansion.

It was a shock. Colourful balloons everywhere and decorations that were all for me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Honey Lemon grinned as Hiro smiled.

Everyone gave me my presents which I unwrapped. New hoodie from Honey Lemon, wasabi gave me tones upon tones of Lego kits, Fred gave me action figures and comic books, GoGo got me multipurpose shoes that could transform from rocket boots, ice skates and rollerblade, Tadashi got me a sack load of candy and Hiro... He gave me the best present.

It was significantly smaller than the others but all the more prettier. It was a little box that had a pretty pendant in it.

The necklace was made from a silver chain and at the end was a red Ruby stone.

"Hiro... This is beautiful. Thank you!" I squealed, hugging him. I felt his cheeks heat up a bit but pushed it aside.

"Woah Hiro! Where did you find the money for that?!" GoGo asked impressed.

"Old botfighting money." Hiro stated.

"It's so pretty!" Honey Lemon squealed.

"I know!" I agreed. Hiro helped place it around my neck and I instantly felt myself grow ten thousand times happier.

We went into the dinning room to cut the cake and sing happy birthday and all in all, had an amazing time.

We were all sitting in the lounge when a rumbling sound could be heard. Out of no where, a part of the floor gave way and caused us to all jump back in surprise.

An ear piercing screech could be heard and instantly a bright reddish glow appeared. Out stepped two figures who were quite tall.

"Freeze!" They exclaimed. My heart pounding as I registered the voices.

"Who are you?" Wasabi asked in fear.

"We mean no harm, we have come to claim our daughter." The female said, my mother. I hid behind Hiro in fear.

"We have not your daughter." Fred said bravely.

"Lies..." My father whispered. My parents walked away from the reddish glow and looked upon all of us, spotting me behind Hiro.

"I'm honestly shocked... Our daughter never lies... It's a shame you did..." My mother stated.

"We already told you! She isn't here!" Tadashi interrupted.

"Silent!" My father screamed, waving his hand and grasping Tadashi with a magic force.

"Put him down!" Hiro yelled, standing in a fighting position.

"Fools..." My mother said, clicking her fingers and bringing an enchanted dagger to Tadashi's throat.

"NO!" I screamed, plucking my tiara from my head and throwing it like a frisbee.

It hit the dagger and pushed it aside, letting it clatter to the ground. I watched horrified as my father picked up my head piece.

"Leave us alone!" Honey Lemon pleaded.

"Not until my daughter returns home." My father shrieked.

"WE DONT HAVE HER!" GoGo fumed.

"Well... That's disappointing.." My mother said, producing an emerald sword and pointing it at Hiro.

"Return or he dies!" She yelled.


"We have waited 14 long painful years for this day... It's going to happen no matter how much blood is spilt!" My father said outraged.

I jumped in front of Hiro to protect him. Instantly, purple sparkly bindings appeared around my wrists and dragged me to my parent's feet.

"Let her go! She has nothing to do with you!" Fred protested. My parents laughed as I looked down at the ground in shame.

"Nothing to do with us? My, you should really update your friends here!" My mother cackled.

"(Y/n)... What is she talking about?" Tadashi asked.

"Why! You haven't told them! (Y/n) (l/n) here is the next in line, to the throne of Santashima!" My father exclaimed.

"What?!... Your the fantasy princess?!" Hiro asked, crushed.

"Yes she is, and today is her supposed coronation... Come daughter, we have a lot to do." My father dragged my bindings over to the reddish glow.

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