Chapter One

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A/N: Season three and this Clexa fan fiction, both start off three months after Clarke left Camp Jaha.

Hope you like it,


WARNING: Typos. Typos everywhere!



Sometimes, when she loses control over herself, memories appear in her eyes and roll down her cheeks, leaving a trace of pain on them.

Clarke had been losing control quite a lot lately and no one was there to comfort her, to tell her everything was going to be okay, and every time a tear forced its way out of her eyes and made its way down her cheek, she looked up into the night sky and sent a silent prayer to the stars to keep them away from her.

She didn't want her back patted, or to be told everything was going to be okay. She hated to be lied to by the people she cared about. The people she risked everything for.

She tilted her head back, watching the December sun slowly disappear behind mountains, that seemed to be unreachable. That's where she was headed - somewhere far away from pain and death.

A place that she had never been to. It might not be a happy place, but at least she wasn't responsible for someone's death. That's all she wanted at that very moment - not being the cause of anyone's sorrow.

Goosebumps formed on her skin as a cold breeze blew through the forest. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, trying to keep the warmth that was left to herself. It had gotten cold over the last few days. Or had it been weeks?

Since Clarke set foot on earth, she had lost every feeling for time. It was all about keeping her loved ones alive. Clarke saved everyone else, but couldn't save herself.

She wasn't even sure if she wanted to keep on living like that. But she didn't want to die without having felt the joy of being alive either. So she just kept on wandering through this cruel world, hoping to find something worth living for.

A barely audible crack made Clarke turn around hectically. Her fingers were tightly wrapped around the knife Lexa gave her before the missile hit Tondc. There was another crack and Clarke immediately knew it was man-made.

"Who's there?" her husky voice echoed through the forest. She kept on walking slowly into the direction, she thought, the noise came from. But it was too dark to see anything further away than a couple feet.

Clarke lurched backwards as someone slammed their fist into her jaw. After all she'd been through, this was nothing to her. She immediately got up and held the knife in front of her body, ready to fight.

A slim person appeared from behind a tree. She must've been following Clarke, trying to figure out where she was going. "Stand right there!" Clarke shouted, her voice fierce.

The person didn't bother listening to Clarke and stepped closer. She could make out a female person, about Clarke's height, with long hair.

"Leave and nobody has to get hurt!" Clarke said, her eyes wild. Instantly the stranger had punched her again and pressed her against a tree. Clarke felt the pressure on her chest increase and choked out "Ai laik Klark kom Shaikru." {I am Clarke from the sky people}

The stranger loosened her grip around Clarke's wrists and relieved the pressure off her chest. Clarke filled her lungs with cold air, that made her freeze on the inside and exhaled it into the night.

The girl murmured something but all Clarke understood was shaikru. "What?" Clarke said a little louder than she wanted to.

"Shof op!" {Be quiet!} The girl hissed at her.

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