Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: I have noticed way too many spelling errors and stuff like that. But English is not my first language so please bear with me <3

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Heavy limbs and cloudy thoughts was all Clarke had experienced the past days. Every now and again she would feel someone place a wet rag on her forehead, but it did no good.

She felt her skin burn and her lungs sting, but she couldn't help it. Clarke was in desperate need for help. There was nothing she was able to do, except lie flat on her back, or sit up as Lexa forced freezing water down her throat.

Her airways were swollen and sometimes her eyes flattered open, and she caught a glimpse of the Commander's worried gaze. But after a short moment, her eyelids would become heavy again, and all that was left for Clarke to feel was Lexa's caring touch on her skin as she would carefully finger comb her hair.

"Clarke" a quiet voice whispered. Clarke wasn't certain whether it was one of the voices in her head, or a real person.

Then a hand on her forehead and a wet rag on her skin once again, only this time it was placed halfway on her eyelids.

"Mom?" Clarke choked out. Her voice was hoarse and her ears rang as Abby caressed her daughter's cheek gently, like she used to do it on the Ark.

"You'll be alright, Clarke." She whispered caringly and looked up at Lexa, who was standing next to Tobys.

They exchanged looks and Lexa nodded at Tobys, thanking him for bringing Abby to them.
"She has to stay hydrated." Abby said firmly, looking at Lexa.

The Commander nodded and motioned Tobys to get some water. He immediately stepped out of the tent, and not short after Abby placed a loving kiss on Clarke's forehead and got up.

"You're leaving?" Panic struck Lexa's voice.
"Yes." Abby responded, her eyes focusing on her daughter's steady breath.

"There are still badly injured people at Camp Jaha. I have to get back."

Lexa furrowed her brows. She figured Abby would stay with her sick daughter, but apparently she was wrong. "What.." Lexa swallowed "What about Clarke?"

A smile ghosted on Abby's lips as she looked at her and said "She will get through it."

Lexa took a step towards Abby as she said nervously "But it's not safe here." She let her eyes roam over Clarke's appearance as she added "Look at her."

Abby stepped past Lexa and pulled the curtains aside as she reflectively looked back at her daughter and said "As soon as she feels better she would return" her gaze mat Lexa's "and you know it. She was always a little stubborn."

A last smile and she left. For good.

"Chancellor!" Lexa called after her.
Quickly she had caught up with Abby and spoke "Take some of my men with you. They will help you rebuild your Camp."

Abby hesitated for a second, but she managed to keep her calm expression alive and nodded.


Lexa nodded back at her, and turned away. With a quick motion Lexa signaled a group of young men to follow Abby. After shaking off their confused expressions they obeyed their Commander, and walked behind Abby, always keeping a small safety distance between them.

It was a strange feeling to walk beside warriors that might just have been part of the battle at Camp Jaha. And it was even more weird for them to help rebuild what they destroyed themselves.

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