Chapter Eighteen

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With their mouths wide opened, Lexa and Clarke stared at Octavia in shock. Just a second ago Clarke was determined to fight whoever they wanted her to fight, to prove that she was trustworthy and one of them. But right then, when those two dark glowing eyes looked up in her blue ones, all determination and courage drifted away.

Doubt started to spread in the pit of her stomach.
She couldn't fight Octavia. Not in a hundred years. Because firstly, she wouldn't last very long, considering Octavia's stubbornness and strength. And secondly it was Octavia who they were talking about. The one who had bravely fought her way up from living under a cupboard to being Indra's second.

There was no way she would fight Octavia. Because even if she won, she wouldn't deserve to live anymore, and Bellamy would kindly agree to that while shooting a bullet or five right in her head.

"Quiet!" Lexa's harsh voice pulled Clarke out of her thoughts. The crowd of grounders surrounding them fell dead silent immediately.

The Commander was furious, shooting glares to every single one of her warriors, until she ended up looking at the male leader, whose people had brought Octavia forward.

"No!" She growled and let her stare burn on his skin.

"But this is the only way we know she is worth our trust!"

Lexa glimpsed at Clarke, and observed her expression grow scared, for she felt helpless. The slightest sight of discomfort in Clarke's eyes made Lexa raging.
Furiously she jumped forward and grabbed him by his cloak. He was taller than her, but never had he seen such an intimidating glare before.

Lexa's grip on his cloak tightened as she snarled into his ear "Question me one more time.."

She took a step back and made everyone's eardrums burst as she shouted for everyone to hear "Question me one more time --any of you!"

She glared at her warriors and lifted her chin while shooting the clan leaders a deadly glare "I will have your throats slit and thrown in the forest! Your corpse will not be burned, for your spirit may never leave your body!"

The crowd had fallen dead silent, intimidated by the commander's threat.
Lexa glared at the male leader, whose expression had grown even darker. Despite Lexa's threat he was the only one who rolled back his shoulders and postured himself in front of Lexa. He towered over her as his fingers clenched to fists.

"I am leader of the ice nation, and I will not take this rat of a sky person in! You are not welcome here!" He shouted, his stare focusing on Clarke.

She swallowed heavily, unable to respond. When he took the lead of the ice nation, did he know about what she had done to Nia? Did anyone know?

But she had no time to waste another thought at it. Because Lexa whose war paint was smeared all over her face caused by the humongous amount of sweat that streamed out of her pores, had already clenched her fingers tightly around her swords handle.

Clarke's eyes widened. She knew that expression of Lexa's. A dangerous glow in her eyes, and adrenaline racing through her veins. She remembered the day when she was the one in his place, being given the my-sword-would-like-to-meet-your-heart glare after they failed to turn Licoln from reaper into a man.

Fortunately he returned from the dead, calming the commander's nerves, and letting her slowly start to consider a truce with the sky people.

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