Chapter Twelve

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I had to reuplode this chapter a couple times. My wattpad is going crazy.

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She hadn't slept at night. Octavia didn't know whether she regretted telling everyone about the missile, or not. But it was too late now anyway.

She looked over her left shoulder, making sure nobody saw her as she snuck out of Polis. She needed to get away from this place. Octavia had done what she came for, she did what she had to do.

Unknowing of what had happened to Nia the night before, she swallowed the lump in her throat and walked past the guards, patrolling at the entrance. She felt their stares burn on her skin but she just kept walking.

"I'm coming Bellamy." She muttered to herself.

"Octavia?" A low, familiar voice asked.

She stopped in her tracks and her eyes widened. This couldn't possibly be... "Bellamy!" She almost squealed.

After the moment of shock flew by, they both started running as fast as possible and collided in a tight embrace.
"What are you doing here?" She choked out.

Tears burned in the corner of his eyes and he forgot all about Clarke.
"I--I--and Lexa" was all he could say. He was overwhelmed, his voice trembling uncontrollably.

By the mention of Lexa's name, Octavia's expression grew dark and her eyes dropped to the ground guiltily.
"What about Lexa?" She asked quietly as she pulled away from her brother.

Bellamy tucked his hands in his pockets, flicking his curls out of his face.

"I have done something.." Octavia mumbled. Bellamy tilted his head to the side, he knew what happened. But his lips remained shut, waiting for Octavia to talk.

"I told Nia about..--"

"The missile." Clarke's husky voice sounded.

Octavia's body stiffened. She had avoided Clarke since Nia had taken the lead in Polis. Octavia nodded barely noticeable, but didn't dare to look at Clarke.
She looked up at her brother and met his caring gaze.

"I missed you." She whispered, ignoring Clarke and again they hugged.

He tugged one side of his mouth up to form a small smirk. That's how he knew his sister. A little caring, unbelievably strong, and just the right amount of sass all at once.

"I missed you too" he responded and patted her back with a loving motion.
He felt Clarke's stare linger on them. She just didn't understand what it meant to have a sibling, especially one like Octavia.

He had protected her everyday of her life, and Clarke couldn't even imagine what he would do to keep her safe.

His sister, his responsibility.

Octavia forced herself to face Clarke and raised both brows as she discovered the scar on Clarke's chin.
This could've been worse. She thought, trying to calm herself.

"It's okay" Clarke said surprisingly honest.
Octavia rubbed her neck and shook the stiffness off of her body "I had no choice."

Her voice cracked and she continued speaking "She made me say it."
She waved quickly in direction of Nia's tent and ran her hand nervously through her hair.

Clarke frowned. It was okay for Octavia to be mad at her, and to have taken revenge, but as much as she hated Nia, she also hated liars who pushed away the guilt, blaming someone else.

"You were the one who stepped forward, Octavia." She said feeling her skin prickle.

Bellamy's glare met Clarke's and both of them tried to intimidate one another.
"I did not have a choice." Octavia repeated slowly.

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