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By the time lunch rolled around, the whole school was talking about Magnus. A new kid in a small town was always noticed, especially one like him.

When he walked in, most kids kept eating their lunches, like they didn't care, but their thoughts said otherwise.

"So, how much of the cafeteria is thinking about him?" Bella asks curiously.

I chuckled. "I think everyone is. Most are wondering where he'll sit."

Ahh, yes. The classic high school struggle of the new kid, where to sit at lunch. Most just end up sitting alone, or in the bathroom. I usually sat alone.

Magnus walked straight past all the taken tables and headed straight towards an empty one on the opposite side of the cafeteria from Bella and I. The dark corner and empty table didn't really do much to help his image.

"Can you try reading him now?"

I sighed. "Well, he's all the way across the cafeteria. Even if I could read him, I doubt I could get very far into his head."

Bella huffed and dug into her sandwich, "Ahh."

I didn't tell her the whole truth though. I was actually quite scared of being near him again. It would confirm my fears about not being able to read Magnus

By the end of lunch, no one had dared approached him. He had too much of an intimidating stare and rude behavior.

My next class was Chemistry with Mr. Peterson, which I was not looking forward to.

(Let's just say that his fantasies were graphic and they were all he thought about when we were doing worksheets.)

(I had poor little Mandy Dawson in my class.)

It was one of the classes where I had to survive without Bella, which was a pain whenever he let us do group work. I was always the awkward kid left out who ended up doing the worksheet on my own.

And, who would've guessed it, he assigned a worksheet to do in groups about yesterday's lesson. I got ready to build a mental wall in between me and Mr. Peterson's brainwaves, when he called me out of my stupor.

"Ms. Chase, why are you working alone? You and the new kid, Magnus, can work on the sheet together. Catch him up on what we're learning just in case his old school was behind."

How had I not noticed his entrance? I looked behind me and I saw Magnus sulking by the corner. I sighed and gathered my stuff so we could sit next to each other for the assignment.

Magnus didn't say a word when I sat next to him. In fact, he didn't seem to be even working on the worksheet.

"So, you're one of those people." I comment, mostly to myself.

"What?" Ahh, so he speaks.

I start to work on the sheet, not bringing my gaze to his. "I'll end up doing all the work and you'll copy my paper at the end. Don't worry, you're not the only person who's ever done that to me."

He was silent for a moment. I could practically feel him searching for something to say in his own defense.

"No, I can do this on my own. I just don't appreciate being partnered up with you." He sneered.

Okay, so this boy goes from panicked about my name to rude and distant. There is no way I'm letting him speak to me that way.

I put down my pencil and stared him down. "You know, if you're just going to be such a jerk, you might as well be silent. I was just trying to be nice before in History. I'm sorry if I insulted you in some way."

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