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Monday came around and I was probably the only teenager in the entire school who was happy about it. School meant that I would for sure find Magnus again, unless he would skip like Friday.

But even if Magnus was different, like me, he would still have to care about school. You couldn't really do anything in this country without an education, human or not.

The whole weekend Amy and Rick knew something was up. I was distant and spending all my time in my room.

Granted, all that time in my room was spent trying to look up creatures that could read minds, but I got zilch.

Of course, I had tried to look that up before. There were never any creatures listed that could read minds and still looked human. I had no clue what to call myself.

But the recent dreams and weird activity with Magnus brought me to try again, unsuccessfully I might add.

It also occurred to me that I wasn't a supernatural creature, just a human who had extensive use of my brain power or something, but yet again, recent events proved it was most likely the opposite.

Magnus showed up late to Mrs. Lu's class that day. I assumed he was probably thinking of whether or not to skip school altogether, but then smartened up and came.

"Magnus, talk to me." I whispered to him after ten minutes of silence between us in the obnoxiously loud classroom.

"There's nothing to talk about." He said back, not even looking my way.

"There is so much to talk about." I almost screamed at him.

"Not really."

"Are you kidding me?!" I countered maybe a little too loudly.


I groaned and stared him down. "Alright, what about what happened in the field Friday? You're telling me that isn't something we should discuss?"


I groaned in frustration again and pulled at my hair. I didn't want to site any of my suspicions out loud, especially in a crowded classroom, even if everyone around us weren't paying attention. I also didn't want to say something and have Magnus call me crazy. I had enough people in my lifetime call me crazy, I didn't need one more.

"Magnus, we both know that wasn't normal. I just need you to explain, please." I urged.

Magnus finally looked up from his paper, but not at me.

"Ms. Lu? May I please go to the bathroom?"

Ms. Lu nodded absentmindedly, too busy trying to get her PowerPoint to work correctly to really care.

Magnus darted from the classroom before I could even protest. I made to follow him, but Ms. Lu stopped me.

"Mr. Moore already took the pass, Liv. You can't go until he comes back."

I knew that Magnus would stay 'in the bathroom' for the rest of class just to avoid the inevitable, so I took the coward's way out of the situation.

"Um . . . it can't wait Ms. Lu." I made sure I made my voice quieter so only she would hear, "You know, lady problems."

If Ms. Lu was a male teacher, she probably would've let me go without fail, they always let the girl go to the bathroom if you hinted you were on your period, they were scared you'd PMS most of the time.

Hmm, she thought, Liv and Magnus are probably trying to go do something inappropriate. Should I let her go despite of that?

"Alright, just be back in ten minutes."

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