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I was standing in a dark room. The walls were bare and the curtains were drawn. The only light came from a fire blazing in a pit in the middle of the room.

I was standing next to a boy, who was standing across from a taller man in a cloak. The taller man's features were darkened by the hood of the cloak, so his identity was hard to make out.

"I haven't found her yet, Sir." His voice was unmistakable, even though I'd only heard it a couple times.

The man in the cloak sneered. "How hard can it be, Magnus?"

"Well, on the knowledge that you and your goons couldn't find her for ten years, I expect that I shouldn't be expected to find her in a day."

The man snarled. "If her mother hadn't hidden her from me all those years ago, it wouldn't have taken ten years."

Magnus replied nervously, "Why is she so important? She's just a teenage girl after all."

The man sneered this time, "She may look like an innocent little girl, but she holds more power than she understands. It would be . . . safer for her if we had her here. She needs to be . . . trained." He said in a voice that suggested that 'she' would most definitely not be trained like he claimed.

"What if your source was wrong? What if she isn't here?" Magnus shrugged.

The man walked around the fire until he was face to face with Magnus, his face and features were now in clear view.

The man had olive toned skin and dark hair. There was a big scar running along the side of his face, going through one eye. That eye was pale and cloudy, meaning that he was probably blind in that eye. The other one was so dark brown that it appeared black.

"She is here, she has to be. You find her, and then you tell me as soon as you have confirmation. I've waited too long to lose her now."

Magnus nodded and swiftly left the room. The man however stayed and leaned over a desk I hadn't noticed before. "Let's hope my sources are right." He pulled a picture out of his pocket and spoke to it, "We only have until the equinox to find you."

I woke up with a start. That was a very weird dream.

I had woken up thirty minutes before my alarm clock usually rang, which meant I would have too much extra time this morning. I decided to use it for research.

This dream was so realistic that I just couldn't stop thinking about it. It also had someone I knew in it, Magnus.

I knew that an equinox was the solstice for fall and spring, which is what got me curious. I searched when the next equinox would be on my phone, and was not disappointed.

March 2oth, otherwise known as the day I would turn sixteen.




I headed downstairs for breakfast per usual, even with the strange dream on my mind.

"Hello, Amy." I greeted my foster mom, Amy Andrews, as she worked in the kitchen.

She smiled, "Good morning, Liv."

I sat at the counter and started pouring myself cereal, obviously I chose Lucky Charms. No milk though, they made the marshmallows all soggy.

"Anything cool in the news, Rick?" I asked my foster father, who sat at the end of the counter reading a newspaper.

"Well, apparently some sports guy thinks the Cubs are going to make a comeback when baseball season starts."

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