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Of course, it could've just been any forty year old woman with red hair in a dark hoodie – maybe out for a late night run – but what were the odds?

I had no doubt in my mind that it was Victoria. I didn't know what she would do, but just the knowledge that she'd been able to find out where I lived so quickly scared me. If she was able to find me so easily, what was stopping Hawthorne? I mean – Hawthorne even had Magnus and his other source after me, even if Magnus was reluctant to share information on me now.

I only had the assurance that I was safe inside my own home. It wasn't like Victoria could climb through the window or something. I would scream for help long before she could get up to my room, I was sure of it.

I was safe here. She couldn't get to me while I was-

"Liv, honey!" Amy called up the stairs. "There's one of your teachers from school here to see you!"

You've got to be kidding me.

I ran to the window and did a quick search outside. She was gone. I quickly ran back to the top of stairs. From this angle I could see Amy and Rick talking energetically with a red haired woman in a black hoodie. Victoria.

I started to hyperventilate. Victoria was here. Victoria, the only other psychic on the planet who was most certainly a mad woman.

I mean – couldn't the universe have given me just one normal, stress free day without the threat of being found out?

Around the corner I could still see Victoria, laughing at something one of my foster parents had said. I couldn't believe how someone so cruel could be laughing with the parents of the girl she'd most likely come to kill or at least fatally harm.

I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs, careful to keep my face and mind blank. I didn't know if other psychics could read each other, and I really didn't want to find out the hard way.

I wonder why Liv never talks about this teacher, she seems so nice, Amy thought. Rick, however, wasn't thinking on the same path as she was. Ms. Lewis sure is a hot teacher.

I chuckled out loud at Rick's thoughts. Everyone suddenly turned their attention to me, including Victoria, who I assumed told Amy and Rick that she was a Ms. Lewis.

"Liv!" Victoria exclaimed with a smile like poisoned honey. "I was just telling your parents here about how great a student you are. They sure must be proud of you!"

"Foster parents," the reply slipped out before I could control myself. "They're my foster parents."

The gleam in Amy and Rick's eyes dulled a little at my comment, but I couldn't help myself. After just reading about what had happened to my mother, I didn't want anyone else to be labeled in her place. Victoria was the reason my father had been driven mad trying to find me, the reason my mother had to hide with me, and the reason she was murdered by one of Hawthorne's henchmen. I couldn't stand to let her label anyone else as the parents I had lost because of her.

The room had been carpeted in a dark silence. I hadn't meant to hurt Amy and Rick with my comment, but I knew I had anyway.

"Well," Victoria said with a grin, "I can see that they are still as proud of you as your real parents might've been. I actually came here today to discuss a project in my class that I had you doing. It'll only take a couple minutes."

I stared her down with the evilest glare that I could manage, which probably looked far less than threatening due to my baby face and dull, straight hair.

Victoria suddenly glanced at Amy and Rick. A strange expression passed over their faces as Victoria's gaze sharpened in precision. The moment was over as soon as it started though, because the next words out of Amy's mouth were, "Of course, we'll be waiting in the dining room."

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