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Jack Gilinsky imagine
this is for angdixon !

(( oh and to set the mood you can go on any music player thing you have and put on the song Wait by m83. It's a really good song and it'll totally make the imagine have more of an impact on the feels if you know what I mean. ))

( ang pov )
** texting each other **

babe 😻💗 - hey babe ❤️ I'm off from the studio today so if you're free maybe we can do something later?

me - I'm free too! Since I really don't feel like changing out of my pajamas maybe you could just come over? We can have a movie marathon and stay inside all day. Besides, it's raining anyway. How does that sound?

He replied seconds after I sent the text.

babe 😻💗 - That sounds great! I'll be over in umm .. 10 minutes?

me - Perfect. See you then babe ❤️

I set down my phone and walked to the kitchen, putting popcorn in the microwave.

In the 3:25 minutes that the popcorn was popping, I tried to do as much as possible before it beeped.

I got 7 movies, pillows and blankets, and basically everything needed to have a bomb asf movie marathon.

I ran back to the microwave with exactly 2 seconds to spare.

Go ang.

With that I took the popcorn out and put it into the bowl. As I was going to the couch; I got a phone call from an unknown number.

I was still holding the popcorn when I picked up the phone. I was barely holding the phone bc my hands were so full with everything that I needed to bring to the couch.

" Hello. Is this Angelica Young? " a deep voice said.

I was very hesitant to answer, but I figured it was necessary.

" Yes. Is something wrong? "

" Are you related to a young man named .... "

he paused.

" .. Jack Gilinsky? "

My heart started pounding at the hearing of my beloved pride and joys name.

My voice got shaky as I spoke.

" I-I'm his g-girlf-friend. "

" We saw you in his favorites on his phone. "

I smiled a little at the thought of being on his favorites list.

" We have him here at the Hospital on 22nd street. He was in a car accident. He tried to swerve ( a/n out of Madison's lane .. I had to jskdkd but I love madison whoops ) out of the way of an incoming driving and slipped on a puddle. He's in fatal condition and it seems he has broke an arm, fractured some ribs, and some deep cuts all over. We're very sorry. "

My smile faded.

I dropped the popcorn.

Then, it hit me.

My boyfriend of two years may be dead in seconds, may never be okay again. I started balling out of no where.

" O-okay. Thank you. "

I hung up and immediately got in the car; forgetting to change, or put on a jacket, I even stayed in my slippers.

I got to the hospital and practically bolted towards the front desk.

" J-Jack Gilinsky. What room is he in. "

My hands slammed on the desk awaiting his room.

" Room 872. Oh! But the elevators are broken. You'll have to take the stairs. "

" Thank you. "


Are you kidding!?

I have to take

the stairs.

Eight floors up.

What the hell.

I gotta do this for Jack.

With that, I ran up the steps up to about floor 2 before I started stumbling on the stairs and needing to hold onto the railing.

After about 20 minutes of huffing up the stairs I finally made it to the eighth floor, only realizing that I would have to walk all the way down the long hallway.

I slowly stumbled into the dim hallway. The lights were flickering and the light blue paint was chipping on the wall. The tiles on the floor were almost all cracked and broken and it seemed like no one has been up here in years.

However, I was wrong.

My loving boyfriend was up here.

I sulked down the hallway, looking up at all the numbers.

868..870..872..874.. wait.


This was Jacks room.

I backtracked a little and prepared myself for the sight before I walked in.

I lifted a shaking fist and knocked quietly two times on the door.

A nice Doctor opened the door, revealing the cold air of the gloomy hospital room.

" You must be Angelica. Jack has been asking for you. But talk low and don't startle him. He's still a little loopy from the medicine we put him on and we don't want to make his condition worse. " , he said, being as sympathetic as possible.

I nodded and walked towards him.

" I'll give you guys some alone time. " the doctor walked out of the room leaving me with a frail Jack Gilinsky.

" Baby. " Jack reached both arms up like a four year old wanted to be picked up.

I felt tears form in my eyes because one, he was alive and two, he looks horrible.

" I'm here. " I said, and I hugged him.

We sat in the hug for a while until he finally pulled away and looked me strait in the eyes.

" I love you baby. " Jack puckered his lips and pretended to kiss the air.

I laughed at his loopyness and leaned down to give him a peck on the lips.

He showed a goofy smile as his eyes just rolled.

I stayed with him the whole day and didn't leave his side.

I was just glad that he was okay.


a/n I didn't really know how to end this but I hope this is okay. sorry for not updating but I'll try to post another imagine tomorrow !
- g

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