Chapter 11 Story time!

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"So waves, How did you met Summer?" Moonlight asked Waves. Waves answered "Well, because it is long ways till we get to that island you said, lets tell some stories! so me first because you asked a question, Moonlight. My story begins as summer was a little deerling, like a baby, you know, and she was looking for her parents and I asked 'What happened?' and she answered-" *Summer starts to cry* "I answered My parents got into a human & pokemon fight. they were trying to kill us. daddy was a spring sawsbuck, and mother was a fall sawsbuck. The humans must have known that mother was weak from having me, daddy started to fight the human, while mother was running away with me. The human must of shoot it's gun at mother because she fell over and starting to say 'Run! We will catch up.' then she started to die but two reasons I ran away because 1.) Mommy said so and 2.) I did not want to stay there and see her die. While I was running, I was thinking Daddy must find me. but daddy never found me the next day. Can you finish waves?" Summer cried and sniffed. "Yes I can. Summer had to find food and water in order to survive. While she was trying to find food she stumbled on the 'Lapras beach', my home. I was wondering why is a baby deerling out here? then when I asked and she answered I said 'that's horrible! do you want to live with me?' and she said yes. I taught her how to survive until it was time to leave the nest and I haven't seen her until now!" Waves ended the story. "Wow! I did not know that Summer!" Moonlight said and then Summer answered happily "I know!" then they got to the island. "We are here." Waves said. everyone looked up at the building.

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