Chapter 16

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•Charlie's POV•

I wake up in the morning to Jade's breath warming my chest while she sleeps in my lap. I don't want to move, she looks amazing. Her black hair is falling in front of her face and I tuck it gently behind her ear.

I can't even begin to understand how hard I fell for this girl so quickly, it's been probably around 2 weeks? All I know is she's perfection.

George walks in with the rest of the guys and they're talking about everything that happened last night. Great, let's continue to relive some douchebag trying to shove his tongue down my girlfriend's throat.

"Guys, she's sleeping," I tell them.

"You guys managed to be even lazier than us," Dylan says and laughs.

"Yeah, we drank like hell all of last night and still got up and got breakfast way before you two. Aww, that's cute," Matty adds when he sees Jade asleep on my lap.

"Yes, it is, so be quiet and let her sleep."

"I am not cute," Jade mumbles and lifts her head, "I am fierce."

I can't help but laugh and neither can Jorel who's almost out of breath leaning against the wall.

"I bet you are, shorty," Danny laughs. "Are you two gonna come to the airport later?"

"Airport?" Jade groans. "As in, I have to move?"

"She sounds just like you," George says to me, "but I definitely think you'll wanna come for this, Jade."

"Why? Who are we getting?" She asks and stands up.

"Your best friends... most of our girls."

"Most of?"

"Bre and I aren't doing too great," Matty states and pats down his hair.

"What happened?" I ask and get up to make coffee for me and Jade.

"I don't know. We danced, she seemed into me but, and normally this would be guy territory, I think she just wanted a one night thing," he shrugs. "It's cool, I'm still glad she's coming. Maybe I can change her mind."

I walk back and hand Jade the coffee I made her. She smiles and kisses my cheek.

"I'm sorry, Kurlzz, but you're great! I'll go get dressed quickly and we can go?" She asks me, smiling, then basically runs to her bunk.

I take it she's happy to see her friends and I get it, it feels weird for me to not be around the guys. It's strange to go from so many people to having no one around. Jade must want her friends back.

•Jade's POV•

I take a pair of light blue ripped jeans and an Avenged Sevenfold shirt into the bathroom with me. I set the coffee Jordon gave me down on the counter and run my brush through my wavy hair, trying to fix my bed head.

I decide it's ok and add a thin line of eyeliner to my green eyes. I know I'm not disgusting, but I'm not attractive. Somehow, Jordon doesn't mind.

I switch into my outfit for the day and add a slight bit of purple lipstick before I head back outside to leave with the guys. Ya, purple lipstick sounds kind of strange, but I absolutely love it. It finishes off the punk kind of thing more than just red does.

"You look perfect, babe," Jordon says and kisses me. "Ready?"

"I'm so excited!" I almost yell, because it's true.

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