Chapter 9: War Is Coming

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Natsu's P.O.V

"Looks like they can't keep their anger inside anymore, huh," King Matalicana said as he tapped on the table with his finger.  We, all the kings and sons from the united kingdoms, were at a meeting.

"Well, there's no helping it. The fisherman ain't been listening to what we say," Prince Gajeel replied as he layed back on his red chair.

"What should we do then? Fight back? You do realize that they have more than just weapons," Dad said, looking at everyone around him .

"I guess that's the only thing we can do." Gray answered, covering his mouth in his palm as he leaned on the table.

"but..." I tried to disagree, but didnt have a reason. Everyone turned to look at me.

"But what?" Dad asked as he stared into my eyes, "If there's a reason, we can take that into consideration."

Yeah, why should I disagree with fighting? There's no reason in why I should care about their health... No, I shouldn't even think about that.  In the past, they killed Gray's mother right after he was born, wounded my mother before my parents got married, and nearly killed Wendy when she was a baby. I hate those disgusting creatures. They put us in alot of danger and now they want to have war. Let them have war.

"Nevermind, I don't ca-" I paused in the middle of my sentence.

A flash back came to my mind.


"I ended up abandoned when I accidently told my wish of being human... It was against the law of having such wishes. I was taked to the magical mermaid and she granted my wish, only so that I would regret it. That's how it happened..." Lucy ended her story.

"So... Your a Princess; a royalty too?!"  I shouted back , completly amazed.  She nodded and bowed her head.

She must have been sad, so I knelt down before her, ".... I'm sorry to hear that...that you had to leave your kingdom..."

" Ah, It's fine.. I DID wish i was human... So I got what I wanted..." Her voice was trembling. She put her head in her hands and started to cry. I hugged her and whispered,

"... It's ok. It'll be fine. I'll help you return to your world."

She hugged me back as she continued to cry for a long time.


I had completly forgotten the promise I made for Lucy.

How could I forget....  She too has problems. If war started happening and her family is killed, how could i make her go back so that she finds her family iis killed? Her family is no common one, its one of the families which will fight us.

I closed my mouth and looked down. Then, I looked up again, determination on my face.

"I suggest we do this war. We have angered them enough, they want revenge. But, we wont kill them," I said.

Gray slammed his hand on the table.

"What good will that do?!! Their obviously gonna kill our innocent people!!" He shouted.

"Then you're suggesting we kill them back?!! I thought you dont roll that way!!" I shouted back as I stood up.

"QUIET!!" Father shouted as he slammed both of his clenched fists on the table. It was quiet for quite some time. "Natsu, that, sorry to say, is a terrible idea. We-"

"HOW IS THAT A TERRIBLE IDEA?!" I inturrupted, "We wont kill them, only injure them!"

"BUT-" Gray tried to disagree but i inturrupted him,

"Im sorry to say, but just because they killed your mother doesn't mean we kill a whole lot of innocent mermaids and mermen!"

"HEY! Don't  get my mother involved in this!" He shouted as he stood up.

"NATSU! SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN! AS WELL AS YOU, GRAY!" dad shouted at the top of his lungs. Both me and Gray sat down reluctantly.  Dad glared at me, "You realize that they also wounded and scarred your mother for life, and nearly killed wendy?!! Why is it that your suddenly for them?!!"

"Im not saying that-" I said but dad inturrupted me,

"You're not saying anything more!"

I shut my mouth, leaned back on my chair and looked away. Gajeel did a low whistle, seeing our awkward situation. King Metalinica kept looking back and forth between me, my dad and Gray. My dad started talking again,

"We will do this war. We won't care what we do to them. That will be it. Agreed?"

Everyone said ' yes' execpt for me. When I opened my mouth to speak, Dad glared at me. I closed my mouth shut again.

I'm so sorry, Lucy.

Lucy's P.O.V

-two days later-

The posters came on the walls of town. Announcements were made. War is coming.

"Everyone in town will evacuate by next  sunday morning, which is one week away. They will do whatever they can to leave to another country, one with no ocean nearby. If they can't, they will stay at our secret basements underground," Queen grandine said as all the royalties (who came to meet), as well as me, sat around her watching in shock.

No... So it's really happening...

She looked at me,

"I'm sorry Lucy, but you will have to leave too. We will send you a chariot on Sunday ." She said. I looked to the ground, my heart completly crushed.  Wendy came and sat next to me,

"I'm so sorry about this. You're probably worried about your family, right?" Wendy asked as she looked at me with sympathy in her chocolate brown eyes. 

Of course I am... What will happen? Will all my sisters get involved?

"But.... you still have one more week!" Wendy encouraged me, " Let's spend a lot of time together!"

"Yeah! Let's do exactly that!" A voice said behind me. I looked behind my couch i was sitting on and saw Natsu. "I'll set up dates to go somewhere. At least we should become closer friends before you go"

"Natsu..." I mumbled.

"Don't forget I'm still here, Natsu-nee~! I want to become great friends with Lucy!" Wendy replied back.

"Wendy..." I mumbled again. I looked back and forth between the two as they continued to argue who I should spent my time with. Tears were coming in my eyes.

I'm so glad I have human friends, I'm so glad I met these two.

I smiled at them,

"Hm!" I agreed.

For now, I will spend my time with the ones I love in this world.

I'll care later about the war that's coming.


Author here! I decided I'll write two chapters this weekend, to fill the missing weekends! It's getting intense, huh? Lucy only has only one more week to spend with them before she gets abandoned again!

If you had realized, I had to change Natsu's past a little, so that the story can go on. It's not the father that the mermen hurt, but only his mother and gray's mother.

see ya next weekend!


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