Dear God, Sam

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Frank's POV

Holy shit.

I thought I got rid of her! I hate her! Ugh. She's so clingy, she always thinks she owns me. She wants to change me. That's the number one reason of why I hate her guts.


I don't do well with change. I like the way I am. Gerard likes the way I am. That's enough for me to know I ain't going to change because some prick wants me to.

"What are you wearing?" she spat, disgust covered her face.

I glanced down at myself. Nothing out of the ordinary. At least I remembered to put my pants on before answering the door mom told me to get. Ugh. Fuck my motherfucking parents!

"Clothes," I respond dryly, ready to slam the door in her face.

She slapped her palm against the door, stopping it from shutting.

"Get changed," she ordered, growling.

I bit my lip. Well, I was GOING to before I had to open the fucking door. Then she came. Bitch.

"I actually was going to get changed, since it is, what, six in the morning. So why don't you make like a rotten salad sandwich and put a lid on it," I snarl.

She scowls at me, her eyes going red. Fucking hell, SATAN'S DAUGHTER!

"I'd say you should make like a rotten salad sandwich, no body's buying it," she smiled sickly, making me want to gag.

She pushed me out of the way and entered my house. Oh, yes, do come in. I hate her.

"Oh hello Samantha, how are you today?" my mom asked politely, smiling genuinely.

She thinks Sam is good for me. No fucking way.

She knows I go out with Gerard. I hate life so much.

"I am well, thank you. How are you?"

Jesus Christ.

"I am doing fine, thanks you, sweetheart. Now, Frank, be a darling and get dressed for this young lady. You are not presentable. Women should not see you in your boxers!" mom scolded, scowling at me.

I scoff, quirking an eyebrow. That's not what she said when she was with my real dad. Ha.

"Fine, mother," I say through gritted teeth.

I get changed. Of course I do. With my Misfits t-shirt and black Doc Martins and my black skinny jeans with chains on the pockets. I comb my hair so it flops downwards. I cram a hat onto my long black hair and run downstairs, prepared to go back upstairs and get changed properly.

I came downstairs and it was just Sam. Oh God. My death in one room all alone with me. Is it warm in here or is it just me?

"W-Where's mom?" I gulp, walking backwards towards the door.

"Oh, your mother? Well, she was just going to the kitchen to finish up breakfast. Now, go and get changed," Sam smirked smugly, folding her arms.



"Nope. I'm going to go and see if Gerard is alright today, so I don't feel like changing. Plus, Toro needs to get his act together and help out. I also have another Way brother to deal with, probably with threats and very foul language. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd rather be there than here," I tell her, moving her out of the way.

She stamped on my foot and threw me to the ground.

"I suggest you stay here and finish your breakfast, Frank."

The coldness of her words as she said my name hit me hard. Almost as hard as the punch that was thrown my way,

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