A New Partner

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  I held Terezi's hand, the soft beeps of the machine signaling she was still here.. I wiped away a few tears "hey, TZ.. It's me (y/n).. I just wanted to say that.. There looking for a new partner for me.. It's not gonna be the same.. Heh, we were the best team ever.." I looked down at her face.

  She was put in a comma, she was shot in the head and oddly survived. And now everyone is just waiting for her to wake up, and be her cackling self.

  But deep down.. We knew.. She's never be the same..

  After I said a few more things I got up and left for the hunter facility, basically hunters go there to look for more cases, look for partners, or Dr. Scratch Would like to have a word with them.
  Some hunters prefer to find their on cases and be more of a lone wolf.

  Today I was to be paired up with a new partner, since the accident with TZ.

I hopped out of my car and walked into the facility "hey, (y/n)" I looked at Sollux and smiled "hey sol" we high-fived each other, as we walked our different ways.

I knocked softly "enter." I opened the door and entered, seeing Dr. Scratch and the back of someone's head.

"Sit (y/n), please." Nodding I took a seat and stared at Dr. Scratch, not even glancing at the male next to me.

"Now Mrs. (L/n) as we all know your partner Terezi was involved in an accident, and truthfully you are a great huntress" the man next to me scoffed, I turned my head to glare daggers at him.

He was well dressed, he had dark hair beautiful forest green eyes which here hidden behind glasses. I will admit he was quite attractive.

He glanced at me, his cheeks turning a light pink, he smirked, cleared his throat and returned his gaze to Dr. Scratch.

"Anyway, this is Jake English. He's a our best hunter, He'll be your new partner. And to make things better I found you both a great case." Dr. Scratch got up and opened a filling cabinet, He pulled out a folder and handed it to me.

I opened the folder and Jake leaned in to take a look "the 8 ball case. Now this ones a little tricky. The cause of death is strange, for the victims arms were tore off and an 8 ball would take the place of the Vic's left eye." "So were dealing with a demon?" Dr. Scratch nodded "in Jasper's town?" Another nod.

Jake sighed, and pulled away "great. This is just perfect." Dr. Scratch glared slightly before turning back to me "as you know
(Y/n) you and terezi would travel all over just for a good case. I admire that, so this is why I put you with Mr. Ungrateful English." I giggled and Jake glared. "Now Jake I know you are a lone wolf and I appreciate you traveled all this way. But please. Take (y/n)" jake sighed and nodded "good, now Good luck (y/n)"

I bowed my head and got up, jake doing the same "you are dismissed."

With that we both exited the room, and headed out side of the facility, jake mumbling to himself.

Jake English x Reader Hunters.Where stories live. Discover now