Braking The Ice

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  Jake remained silent as we drove to the small town, time to make small talk "Jake right?" He glanced at me, shifted then cleared his throat.

  "Yes? Don't tell me you have to go." I shook my head "no- it's just.. It's to quiet.." He sighed softly and stared at the road "yeah. Well the radios broken, my old partner Dirk never got around to fixing it."

I nodded softly, gog this is so awkward! How do I slice this awkwardness like a katana!?

  I cleared my throat softly and dug in my bag that sat in between my feet and pulled out (favorite Drink) and offered it to Jake "here."

  He used his free hand to grab it then rose a brow in amusement "why do you have these in your bag Mrs. (L/n)?" I shook my head "(y/n) is fine, and well.. I always packed food for me and ... Terezi." He set it in the cup holder a look of sorrow swimming in his eyes "how is she? I can tell by this how close you were..."

  I smiled fondly at the memory's we shared, her spilling faygo on the steering wheel and crashing into a tree.

  OMFG... I let a blind girl drive me everywhere. Damn it focus (y/n)! He's talking to you!

  "She's ok.. Doc said she might not wake up for a while... But they'll keep a good eye on her." He nodded "that's good, I heard some jolly good things about the two of you. I'm truly sorry about the way I treated you earlier luv. I was just... Surprised?"

  I shook my head softly "it's ok." I yawned and he smiled "tired? It'll be a few more hours, wanna make a stop?" Another nod.

  Jake drove for a while longer before pulling into a truck stop. He reached over; opened the glove compartment filed with badges, and fake credit cards.

  Then got out, me fallowing close behind. Jake groaned as he stretched his legs "bollics! I hate being copied up in that damn car!" I giggled and he smiled softly.

  We both walked in and he leaned down and whispered "grab what you want in going to the johns." {(a/n): the toilet, not cutie egbert!} I nodded softly and grabbed (favorite snack) and (what ever else you want)

  I waited for Jake, ok this might work right? I mean he's not so bad and we are somewhat aquatinted? Ugh, why am I so worried about this!?

  "Ready to go?" My face burned slightly and I nodded "yeah." "That's all? Luv.. " he chuckled and shook his head "hold on" he went through the isle grabbing gummy worms, chips, a power drink, peanut butter, chocolate bars and a trail mix.

  "Oh lord! Jake!" He smirked and shrugged "what? I get hunger pains" more like he eats away his feelings... I shook my head and smiled "ok, fine. Whatever."

Jake English x Reader Hunters.Where stories live. Discover now