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I nodded, humming while doing so, then hung up "pizza will be here in 7min." Jakes lips curled "jolly good." Ok, why is that supper adorable?

I sat next to him and watched as he typed quickly, a look of concentration plastered on his features.

Damn, I turned my head back and the typing stopped for a moment "something wrong luv?" The typing continued, but a little softer.

I shrugged softly and shook my head softly "It's nothing" Jake glanced at me, his typing quieting completely.

Jake shook his head softly, he stood up and sat on the bed next to me, just watching me before giving me a look of sympathy "your worring to much."

He patted my back, then stood back up when some one knocked on my door.

Jake stood up, grabbing his wallet from the table. I could steal that... could.. but wont.

~~time skip to next morning~~

We drove to the suspects house, now we know it's her.. but we need to confirm, just in case.

we both got out of the car and headed door, and preparing mentally for anything.

Jake knocked on the door softly

"Who's there!?" Jake shifted "FBI, we are he to ask a few questions." The door creaked open and a girl with long black hair and pale gray skin glared.

"Come in." She hissed, and moved out of the way so we could enter.

The woman scurried towards the kitchen and Jake leand down into my ear "look around the house for HEX bags." I nodded and turned on my heals, but before I could walk way Jake took my hand "be careful luv."

I smiled and nodded once again "I will." The woman came back and I walked off "what is she doing!?" The woman said heatedly.

"Her job." Jake growled, My cheeks warmed up at his defending voice, it sounded protective..

I walked into a room and looked everywhere, nothing, so far.

I glanced at a silver bucket with a cheesy picture of Santa Claus, I lifted the lid slowly and gagged.

There was a dead baby curled up in it, adored by a cat skull with some sort of herbs and red powder.

I kept gagging and I fell to my knees, my eyes watered and I suddenly felt pressure, I was being shoved down, I could barley breath.

I continued to gasp, trying to scream for Jake, but nothing came out, only pants and gags.

Jake, fuck, that which bitch could hurt him! I tried to crawl but I hit the floor with thud and I gasped, the pressure was bone crushing.

Jake's POV

I stared at the the wo- er Vriska. A bit, eying her, she's answered every question I had, but she had a suspicious look.. she seemed jumpy.

There was a thud and she smirked wickedly.


My heart pounded and I stood up quickly, jumped over the couch and darted for the room.

Vriska's crazed laughter reaching my ears.

I kicked the door open to see (y/n) struggling to breath, my eyes widen when I took a step an unbelievable pressure knocked me to my knees.

"J-jak.. the, s-santa..." she choked I looked up and saw a cheesy Santa can thing.

I gripped the dresser and pulled myself up, I pulled out my lighter, my muscles began to grow weak do to me fighting back the edge to fall to the ground.

I lit the lighter and soon realized I was holding my breath when black dots filled my vision.

I threw the lighter in the container and when it was possible I greedily sucked in air
I looked down and fell to my knees "(y/n).." I said weakly, shit she's not moving.. there was the soft tapping and Vriska stood in front of the door frame, a smirk wickedly carved into her face.

I crawled on top of (y/n) guarding her breathing form. "GET back" I croked.

She smirked and pulled out a blade "you know I thought you and her were actually gonna kill me, but I see this lame excuse wasn't actually a shadow hunter-" Her eyes widen and I looked down at the breathing girl and my heart lurched.

Her skin was glowing, it was a silver color, her veins visible in a brighter silver.

What the hell?

Jake English x Reader Hunters.Where stories live. Discover now