Chapter 8: Army of bands

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~1 week later~

Jakes POV:

Today we leave for Warped. I love touring but the fan girls get a little too crazy and start shit. I tossed my last bag onto the tour bus and then went to Ella with open arms. She gladly hugged me back and kissed me repeatedly

She has some photo shoots to do so she wast able to tour with us but she'll show up near the end. Sammi isn't going because she doesn't like the movement of the bus so Hailey was the only female going. Andy was stoked of course

I'm truly happy that their finally together and stuff but if he hurts her I swear I'll rip his dick off. Haileys like my little sister and you never want your family to hurt

After everyone said their goodbyes we all piled onto the bus. Hailey claimed the small bedroom we had at the back of the bus. Andy didn't like that to much but they've been dating a week and I don't think she wants to share a bed yet

We were off. I waved to Ella and Sammi as we pulled out the parking lot until I could no longer see them. I was gonna miss them and their craziness

Ashley grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels from the fridge "Woop woop! Tour time bitches!" I chuckled and rolled my eyes

Hailey squealed from the back of the bus "Andy! No! Ahh! Oh my gosh Andy stop!" She let out a louder laugh/squeal. I went to where they were and saw Andy on top of Hailey.

He was tickling her and she was crying from laughing to hard. They were cute. CC came running and slid past me. "I wanna tickle Hailey too!"

He laid next to Andy and started tickling her too. She laughed even harder if that was possible. I couldn't help but laugh too. Her laugh was contagious!

"Guys! Guys, I'm gonna pee my pants! St-stop!" They stopped and she sucked in a breathe. Her face was red as a tomato and she held her stomach

CC and Andy chuckled at her. Andy leaned up and kissed her softly. CC covered his eyes. "Ew! Cooties!" Everyone rolled their eyes.

Haileys POV:

CC got up and left with Jake behind him leaving Andy and I together on my bed. But you don't hear me complaining ;)

Andy cuddled up to me. "You excited for Warped?" He looked directly in my eyes with his sexy blue ones

I shrugged "Yeah but crazy shit happens on tour. What if crazed fan girls come at me?" I could hold my own if it was like 2 people but anymore and I'm fucked

He held me tighter. "They would have to get through me first." N'aw! He was so cute ^.^ I blushed and he kissed my forehead

~2 hours later~

The bus stopped in the middle of a field and I looked out the window. "Oh. My. Cheese! Can we go meet everyone? Pleeeease?" I almost squealed and grabbed Andys arm

There was Falling In Reverse, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, Bring Me The Horizon, Asking Alexandria and Breathe Carolina. I was fan girling like crazy on the inside!

Andy chuckled and nodded. "Yeah sure, let me make myself decent." I hugged him

"You always look fine baby. But hurry!" He chuckled again and went to the bathroom. Eep! I was about to go meet all my idols and be touring with them!

Andy returned 5 minutes later and entwined our fingers. "Ready to go beautiful?" I blushed and nodded. We walked out of the bus and Andy pulled out his phone texting someone

"Who ya textin?" I asked curiously. He smirked and put his phone away

"Just a few friends." Who did he text? Whatever, I was in heaven walking by the other tour busses. Suddenly someone came running up behind me and threw me over their shoulder

I squealed. "Ah! Put me down!" The guy chuckled and ran from Andy who was laughing at me and the unknown man. I noticed a bunch of people covered in tattoos walking towards us. It was the guys from FIR, SWS, PTV and AA! They walked behind Andy like an army. An army of band members!

The guy put me down and I saw it was Kellin Quinn. "Sorry love, I had to. So you're Andy's new squeeze huh?" He shook my hand and I just nodded giggling. Kellin Quinn just carried me! He had stunning eyes. Not as stunning as Andy's but close

Vic from Pierce The Veil came over and hugged Kellin from behind in a weird bro hug type way. "Ay man, don't you be messin' with her. Dayum girl, you are FINE!" He winked at me and I blushed more

Oh my gosh. Vic freaking Fuentes just winked at me! And called me pretty! This is the best day of my life. Well, so far. My heart was beating a mile a minute and my stomach had butterflies. My cheeks hurt from smiling

Andy caught up with us followed by the army of band members. He wrapped his arms around my waist (he was behind me) and rested his chin on my shoulder "Did they give you a hard time babe?"

I shook my head. "Not yet. I take it these are the people you texted then?" He nodded and looked around at the guys

"Figured instead of going bus to bus we could meet up." He kissed my cheek and Kellin aw'd at us

I blushed more when I realized I was surrounded by the guys I've idolized over for years. I felt like I could faint or something. It was amazing! I was jumping with joy on the inside

Andy and I were standing on the middle of everyone and Andy stood up straight. "Everyone, this is my beautiful girlfriend Hailey. Be nice to her."

The guys kind of chuckled and waved "Hi Hailey" they all said in unison. It reminded me of 'I'm Not A Vampire' music video when everyone says "Hi Ronnie!" I giggled to myself

I love Tour already!


Short? Sorry! I already have an idea for the next few chapters! Yay progress!

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