Chapter 9: I owe you my life

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Haileys POV:

After talking for an hour with all the band members Andy 'recruited' as I called it, we all went back to our own busses to finally unpack. But before we left some of the guys gave me their numbers. Eep! When we got back there was a note on the door to the bus


Went to check out the stages and get food. Oh, Hailey, some guy named Tommy stopped by, says to meet him by the gates ASAP.

~Jinxx, Ash, CC, Jake

Tommy? As in my abusive ex boyfriend Tommy?! Oh shit. How did he find me here?

"Who's Tommy?" Andy looked disturbed

"Please don't make me go see him. Please!" I hated Tommy with a deep burning passion. I never wanted to see him again!

Andy hugged me. "Did he hurt you? Babe, talk to me. You can tell me anything." He stroked my hair and I sighed

It's true, I could tell him anything. I trusted him. But what if he thinks differently of me afterwards? No way to know unless I tell him... "Tommy's my ex boyfriend. We started dating when I was 15. I was so blinded by what I thought was love that I didn't care that he beat me." Andy furrowed his brow and a tear ran down my cheek. "Then he raped me. Again and again..." I couldn't go on. I just couldn't. It was too painful

Andy must have realized that and rocked us back and forth slightly. "You don't have to go baby girl." He whispered softly into my ear and kissed my forehead

I shook my head. "If I don't, he won't stop until he talks to me." It's true. He would hunt me down until I finally agreed to meet with him. Andy looked at me sympathetically but slowly nodded

"I'm coming with but I'll stay back a bit so he won't see me." I nodded and fixed myself before we headed to the gates

Andy stayed back and hid behind a bus. I continued walking towards the gates. Then I saw him. He was still skinny and a bit taller than me now. He wore black ripped skinny jeans and a white beater shirt with a purple beanie. His long dark brown hair hung just above his shoulders and his bangs covered one of his dark brown almost black eyes

He looked up at me as I approached him and smiled evilly. "Hey baby, long time no see." I stood 5 feet away from him. I couldn't stand him.

Andy's POV:

"Hey baby, long time no see." I heard Tommy say. I growled slightly. I already want to rip his head off

"What do you want Tommy?" I heard Haileys voice dripping with venom

"I want you to come with me."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Then I heard a slap and Hailey yelp

I looked over and saw Hailey on the ground with Tommy straddling her pinning her arms down. He ripped her shirt open and pulled out a butterfly knife

"Listen here bitch, I'm gonna fuck you and then kill you and you're not going to make a single goddamn sound. Got it? Good."

"Andy!!!" She cried and tried to wiggle out of Tommy's grasp. He pushed the blade against her neck

I ran as fast as my gazelle legs could take me and tackled Tommy like a football player would. This fucking asshole will pay. The knife flew out of his hand and he landed with a loud 'oof' noise. I blindly started throwing punches everywhere I could. When I stopped to catch my breath and see how much damage I'd done, Tommy looked at me

"So you're the Andy faggot she's fucking now huh? How's that used pussy feel?" I growled and punch him in the eye

"After the first 2 inches, like brand new. You're a piece of shit!" I punched him in the throat causing him to go into a coughing fit. I know I just lied about having sex with Hailey but it was the first come-back that popped in my head

Someone touched my shoulder gently. I whirled around still furious and ready to fight. I saw Hailey holding her torn shirt over her exposed bra/chest and crying. All my anger vanished as she gently touched her throat. I noticed a small red line

I stood up and hugged her tightly. Tommy groaned when he finally stopped coughing. I ignored him and focused on Hailey. She cried into my shoulder

"Come on babe, lets get out of here." I picked her up bridal style and started for our bus

When we got to the bus and I sat her down on the leather couch. She had stopped crying now and I got a wet washcloth. I slowly wiped her face and dabbed her forehead

I can't believe he actually said he was gonna rape and kill her. In public too! I swear if he ever lays another hand on her, I'm gonna rip him to shreds. You have to be messed up in the brain if you beat a woman. Hailey is a great woman, who would want to hit her?

Hailey grabbed my hand snapping me out of my thoughts. She smiled sadly at me. "Thank you Andy. I owe you my life.."

"You're welcome baby girl. I'd die for you Hailey." I pulled her onto my lap and she laid her head on my chest. Everything seemed calm

We sat there for a while until the guys came back with bags of McDonalds and cans of Monster

"What happened to Hailey?" Jinxx asked putting his bag of food on the counter

"Holy potato! Hailey my princess, are thou okay?" CC dropped his bag and ran to Hailey getting on one knee. He grabbed her hand and held it. She hesitated but nodded

"I'll explain later, can I go take a shower? Please?" She looked up at me. I kissed her forehead and nodded

"You don't have to ask. Now go, I have a surprise for you when you get out." She looked at me curiously but then kissed me softly

"Thanks again Andy... I owe you big time." I smiled as she got up and left

I get told I saved someone's life all the time with my music but today, I saved a life by beating the tar out of someone. :)


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