Chapter 85: Thief

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Haileys POV:

I walked around the grocery store grabbing things that were on the list. A creepy guy kept following me. I shrugged it off not wanting to think much of it. After paying the nice cashier I headed to my car with my bags. The same creepy dude watched me intently. I put my bags in the back seat and closed the door. My head got slammed into the car door and I dropped to the ground. I looked up to find the creepy guy standing over me

He reached for my purse but I clutched onto it. He yanked it to no avail. My head got slammed into my car again. My vision blurred for a moment but went back to normal. He tried yanking my purse again but I didn't let go. He slammed my head repeatedly into the car door. I was about to let go when someone ran over to us and punched the strange guy square in the jaw. I curled into a ball against the car as the new man beat the shit out of the thief

He stopped when the thief ran off limping and holding his arm. My hair was covering my face and felt sticky. The man knelt down next to me and wiped tears from my hidden face. It was hard to tell who the man was. Then he spoke

"Hey lady, you okay? Do I need to get help?" He asked

"A-Ashley?" I held my head

"Hailey? Holy shit are you okay?!" He held my face in his hands. I nodded slightly as my head was throbbing and probably bleeding

"Yeah I think... my head just hurts like a bitch.." He helped me to my feet

"Come on, let's get you to the hospital." I nodded slightly and he drove us to the hospital in my car. I called Andy

"Hey babe, where are you?" He asked. I sighed and held my head

"Ashleys driving me to the hospital. Some guy was trying to take my purse and kept slamming my head into my car. Ashley kicked the guys ass and he ran off. Don't worry, I'm fine." I lied about the last part

"I'll be there as soon as I can okay?" He sounded worried. I nodded and we hung up. We pulled up to the hospital and Ash told the lady at the front desk why we were here. A doctor came out a few minutes later and called me back for my scan. I laid on a bed with what looked like a sleeping mat on top of me

They started the scan and it was really weird. My head was in some kind of giant doughnut shape thing and it made a loud whizz sound as it scanned. It was soon over and a doctor examined the tests. I got put in a different room and a nurse wrapped my bloody head. Ashley came in the room and sat next to me. I leaned against him as the doctor came in. He sat at his desk and looked at us

"Well you do have a concussion Ms. Fitzgerald. It looks fairly bad. I recommend taking things very easy for a bit. Get a lot of rest." I nodded and he gave me a prescription for some headache pills. He left and I hugged Ashley

"Thanks for saving me back there Ash.." I whispered. He stroked my hair

"No problem Hailey. I wasn't going to let some douche bag beat the hell out of you." I pulled away from the hug slightly and looked at him. He smiled

I slowly leaned in and gently kissed his lips. I quickly pulled away realizing what I just did. My eyes widened with horror and I stepped away from him

"Shitshitshitshitshit. What did I just do?!" I panicked

"Oh god... okay uhm calm down. It was a friendly kiss like you would with Star only on the lips.. You were just really thankful I helped you and you're not in the best state of mind right now." He ran a hand through his hair

"We cannot tell ANYONE that just happened got it? Especially Andy and Star." I started fidgeting. He nodded

"Of course!" He sighed and sat down in the chair. Someone cleared their throat and I looked up at Andy who was leaning against the door frame

"I already know." He sounded a bit angry

"Andy please don't get mad. Like Ash said, I'm not in the right state of mind and wasn't thinking clearly... I'm so sorry." I stepped towards him wrapping my arms around his waist. He wrapped one arm around my waist pulling me into him

"You're telling Star in the morning Ashley. She deserves to know. Let's go Hailey.." He pulled away from my embrace and started down the hall. I glanced at Ash before running after Andy to our cars

We drove to our house and Andy went to get a drink. I walked in on him chugging half a bottle of whiskey. He put it down and I hugged him as tears formed in my eyes

"I'm so sorry Andy... please don't hate me. I love you and it'll never happen again. I promise." I whispered against his chest. He rubbed my back and sighed. A minute later he spoke

"I'll never hate you Hailey... And it better not ever fucking happen again or I'll rip his nuts off." I looked up at him and he smirked before kissing me. I deepened the kiss and pulled away a minute later satisfied as he was holding me closer. We held each other for a while before deciding to go to bed.

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