Chapter 1- There's a surprise

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Chapter 1 - There's a surprise


Trinity's POV

It was a beautiful Saturday morning and I didn't want to waste a second of it by myself. So I decided to call my best friend to hang out and do something together.

My best friend Serena picked up after a few missed calls. "Can't be fucked looking at the caller ID, but whoever this is, you're interrupting my precious beauty nap."

"Well, sorry for interrupting your 'precious beauty nap', but I need you to get the fuck off your bed and come to my house right now. Let's hang out and do something. It's a beautiful Saturday morning." I tried convincing her.

"Oh I should've known only my best friend would annoy me so early in the day" Serena sounded annoyed, but I guarantee you, if it was someone else that called her right now, she would've found where they lived and murdered them already. So... I guess I'm pretty lucky.

"Early? Early?! Have you checked the time? It's fucking 11:39am. I woke up like 4 hours ago"

"Well that's yo ass. Who the fuck wakes up that early? Most people sleep till like 1. Wait... Did you say it was 11:39?!" She sounded anxious.

"Well yeah..." I replied with confusion.

"Shiiit! I have work today. I swapped shifts with someone. I have like 10 minutes to get ready." I could hear the ruffling of her blankets. And a few things being knocked over... And a few rage sessions.

"Serena, calm down you have like 10 mins. That's enough. You can skip all the makeup for today." I suggested.

"Excuse me? Skip all the makeup you say? Now why on earth would I even step foot outside the bedroom without my makeup on fleek?"

"Okayyy. Ghee calm down. It was just a suggestion." If you couldn't already tell, Serena wasn't the type to leave the house without her makeup on. Even though she was perfect, she had many insecurities which others couldn't see. To everyone else, she's a perfect lil shorty with grey eyes, a good body and hair which contained various types of blues forming a perfect ombre. But to her, she was the opposite.

"Who am I gonna hang out with if you're going to work today?" I whined.

"Ya know, you have a boyfriend to hang out with yeah? I mean, go skating with him or something. Oh, and wear makeup. You should always switch up your style. It would keep him hanging more." She advised.

"Whatever you say. Bye!" I hung up.

Speaking of boyfriends... I have a boyfriend. Surprise!

Me and my boyfriend Brody met at a nearby café about a month and a half ago. I mean, I knew him before because he was the captain of the soccer team. So basically the whole school knows him. I never really tried to talk to him at school before we met, because I assumed that he was just like everyone else in the soccer team- a player. But boy, was I wrong.

He was everything but a player. I admit I was always attracted to him physically before we met. He had medium brown hair which looked lighter in the sunlight, and blue eyes which always shine bright. And since he's in the soccer team, you can guess he has an athletic build and average height. But the physical attraction died out because of my false assumption of him being a player.

Then I met him at our local Café. Where everyone from Rosewood would come. Starting from athletes, gossiping girls, horny couples, students trying to finish off their homework, and regular people like me.

Yes, our encounter was a very awkward one. Serena was rambling on about her ex boyfriend and I was rather impatiently listening to her ranting. Serena's the type of girl to switch boyfriends as often as she changes her makeup. Well, that's an exaggeration but y'all know what I mean. She's not a player, but she goes relationship after relationship to find the "perfect guy". Who she still hasn't found. And until she does, she'll keep jumping from one tree to the next.

Anyways, back to the awkward and cliche encounter with my current boyfriend.

As I was saying, I was listening to Serena's complaints about all the faults in her boyfriend, when I bumped into Brody's strong body. Everything went into slow motion as the coffee he held in his hands spilt all over both of our bodies and we both looked at eachother in horror. (And Serena looked at us both with an astonished look on her face).

Brody's jerk ass friends didn't leave me alone that day at the café. They insisted rather firmly that I clean up his coffee spilt body in the washroom and return his shirt to him the next day. "It better be whiter than my teeth" said one of the jerks with yellow anti dentistry teeth. Well...

And since then we became closer, started talking to eachother at school, then a while later, we started meeting up outside of school and so on, which led to our relationship.

I've been happier ever since. He never fails to make me smile.

I decided to call him up. "Heyy babe" I said extending the hey

"Morning beautiful... Why up so early?" He asked with his cute sleepy voice.

"Omg why does everyone think it's early? Babe, it's 11:43 now" I told him.

"What?? No wonder it's so bright."

"Anyways, so wanna come ice skating with me?" I asked him.

"Of course babe, anything for you. I'll be there in 20" I could hear the smile.

"Okay bye Brody" I said smiling like an idiot at the phone.


Exactly 20 minutes later, Brody was at my door, leaning against the frame, looking hotter than ever.

"Trini, you know you don't need makeup. You're beautiful either way" he said smiling at me.

"I know I know." I giggled. "But Serena told me to, so I did" I said holding his hand and walking out the door and into his car.

"By the way, there's someone that you need to meet soon. I haven't ever told you about him because I wanted it to be a surprise".

"What?? Who is it?" I asked, now eager to know.

He laughed at me. "Chill, Trinity Knight. You'll meet that person soon". He held one of my hands while driving with the other like he always did.

"Oh come on! Please? You can't just tell me there's a surprise and not tell me what the actual surprise is!" I tugged.

"Hey, that's my aim. To get you excited." He winked at me.

We arrived at our destination and made our way to the ice rink.

We put on our skates and stepped onto the ice.

One step ... Two steps ... Three steps ... "Brody, I think I got it-" before I even finished, I fell on my knees right in front of Brody. Wells that's a damn shame!

Brody chuckled. "Why are you on your knees? Are you proposing?"

"Ha-ha very funny. Help me up Brods"

"Okay, lemme pick up my girl and show her how to skate properly" he said while helping me up and kissing me on the cheeks.

I smiled sweetly at him, and grabbed his hands and pulled him down.

We both laid on the ice, Brody on top of me, both of us laughing like crazy. We stared into eachother's eyes and Brody kissed me softly.

If was perfect.

Minus the employee kicking us out for making out on the ice rink. Actually he thought we were gonna do more that make out so that's understandable though.

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