Chapter 2 - Meet My Twin

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Chapter 2 - Meet My Twin


Believe me when I say this, the days you actually put in some effort to look pretty, the day turns out good. Or atleast that's how it is in my case.

I had my hair in beach waves, which looked really good because of my dark brown hair and ash blonde ombré. And my plain brown eyes were less plain today because I wore a bit of mascara and eyeliner which took me about three tries to be perfect. And I wore a pale pink colour on my lips. Which kinda complented my bright blue top, which I paired with ripped jeans.

Yeah I'm the type of girl who would wear ripped jeans to my wedding.

Today at school, everything went perfect. I got almost no homework. Except for english. Because our english teacher can't sleep until she knows she's given us something to do. And in sport today, I didn't get hit by any balls unlike every other day in sport. Also, Im planning to go to Brody's tonight so i can surprise him with sex since he said his parents are gonna be out tonight.

How should I prepare before sex?

Victoria's Secret bombshell bra it is. Because we all know most girls ain't got no big titties. Well okay, I admit I have medium sized ones. Not part of the itty bitty titty community and nor am I part of the huge plastic titty committee.

Sexy lingerie, here I come.


I walked upto Brody's front door and was about to ring the bell. Then I saw that the door was slightly open.

Strange. Brody doesn't ever leave it open. I slowly opened the door and invited myself inside and walked over to the sitting room. Well he's not in this room. I thought. I turned around and bumped right into someone.

This someone looked so similar to Brody. His hair was a dark brown colour, lighter than Brody's. Unlike Brody's blue eyes, this guy had bright green eyes. He had an angled face and sharp jawline just like Brody's, and a lean, athletic built. He was just a little taller than Brody too.

"Easy there girl" He spoke with his sexy husky voice, while holding me slightly by the shoulder.

"Uh-I'm sorry. For uh- bumping into you. I didn't see you were there." Argh why the fuck am I stuttering?

"So... You're his new plaything huh? Impressive. I never thought the other chicks were hot. They were always too confident and bitchy."

"I-" I started to say but I was cut off by him.

"But you... I'm impressed. You've got the looks and the curvaceous body. But not bitchy like the others. You're more... let's say vulnerable and submissive".

Wtf was he on about? And what did he mean by plaything? Who's plaything? Maybe he meant one of Brody's friends. They always had sex with different cheerleaders almost every week. But what pissed me off was the fact that he thought I was "vulnerable".

I walked closer pretending that he didn't intimidate me. "First off all, I'm not vulnerable or submissive. And secondly, I'm not one of Brody's friends' plaything."

This time he took a step forward towards me. "Babe, I wasn't talking about Brody's friends. I was talking about Brody." He smirked.

"Well you obviously don't know him well enough. He never has random sex with girls. I'm his girlfriend if you were wondering". I replied. He clearly doesn't know Brody.

Two Brothers. One girl. One choice.(My Boyfriend's Twin Brother)Where stories live. Discover now