Chapter 3 - Future Couple or nah?

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Chapter 3 - Future Couple or Nah?


"So... How'd it go?" My bestie Serena asked me at school the next day, while biting I to her chicken sandwich.

"How did what go?"

"Ya know... you and Brody... Sex... second time... Did it happen?" Serena asked with an as-if-you-didn't-know-what-I-was-talking-bout expression plastered on her face.

"Ohh that. No, it didn't happen. Speaking of not happening, guess what the surprise was?!" I rolled my eyes while asking her to guess.

"Trins, you know I'm not gonna guess the right thing, so just tell me." Serena said.

"Okay well... Brody has a twin brother." I broke it to her.

The look on her face was priceless. She's the cutest lil shortie.

"He WHAT?!" She asked with widened eyes.

"Yeah that's what I thought at the start. Because besides the similarity in their looks, they are NOTHING alike in their personalities. His twin is a complete douchebag". I told her honestly.

"Is he hot though?" She asked excitedly.

"Well yeah... He's related to Brody so obviously."

"Wait there not identical right?" She paused.

"No, not at all. Just fraternal twins. But it doesn't matter if Jett's looks are a 10/10 because his personality is a 10 with a negative in front." I thought back to our first encounter.

Serena smirked at me.

"What? Are you getting any ideas that I should know about Serena?" I asked her a little concerned.

"Nooo I was just thinking. What if you both started falling for eachother? Omg omg! if that happened, I could turn it into a movie and it would be better than the Notebook!" She spun around, her bright blue dip dyed hair flying in the wind.

"What?! No. No. No fricking way. That's not happening." I told her.

"Totally is." She wiggled her brows at me. "You said it yourself. HIs looks are a 10. And about the personality, how many times have people who hated eachother fallen in love, gurl?"

Where the fuck was she getting these ideas? "Me and Jett are never happening". I said firmly. "And I have a boyfriend. Why would I even think about something like that? Especially when he's my boyfriend's brother".

"Wait... His names Jett?" Serena then burst out laughing. "Omg that's even better. The tale of Jett and Trinity".

"Serena, enough. Let's get back to your love life"

Serena just finished laughing and said "Um yeahhhh... Let's not?"


After lunch, I had history. I walked into class with a fake smile to welcome my teacher like I did every class. My history teacher was the biggest idiot ever. He's the type of guy that would show everyone the actual copy of the exam to students which usually resulted in everyone acing the exam. But he's pretty old, so I decided not to blame him. He's also the type of teacher thst spends half the lesson talking about what we learnt the previous lesson and the other half of the lesson talking about his life journey.

So basically, us students taught ourselves in history. Thank the lord our class is pretty smart compared to average seventeen year olds. Otherwise, we would've been doomed.

I sat down in my usual spot at the back near the window. I didn't sit at the back because I was about the rebel life. I sat here usually because I liked the peace and quiet especially since it's near the window which was usually open, letting in the nice air.

A couple minutes into our class, a familiar face walked into our class. Jett.

He handed the teacher a note and walked quietly to the back and sat down in the seat next to me.

"Hey babygirl" He said, which was accompanied by a smirk. That damn smirk again.

"Why are you here Jett?" I asked him.

"I'm glad you remember my name. And like my brother told you yesterday, I'm coming to this school from now on. So I guess you're stuck with me huh?" His tone sounded like he was up for adventure.

"Unfortunately. Oh and by the way, don't call me baby girl". I lifted up my sassy spirit.

"Okay. Babygirl". He winked. Now I know it. I know exactly why he was born. His soul purpose is to irritate me.

Two Brothers. One girl. One choice.(My Boyfriend's Twin Brother)Where stories live. Discover now