Chapter 1: Rashioning

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"The foods running out." Raven murmured darkly staring at her tin of meat and beans. I pushed my fork through my own with a questioning look. The cafeteria was lined with hundreds of tables and a dim of chatter filled the room.
"How do you know?" I hissed to her. Raven, my best friend, was called raven for her black hair like the bird. Her eyes caught me in a penetrating stare that made my mouth turn dry.
"Sky, the food used to go up to the rim . They are rationing us giving us less food. What happens if they run out? We are going to die..." She trailed off.
"Calm down we won't die." I laughed trying to keep happy. "I bet they just forgot to fill them." I lied quickly. Before she could read the fear in my eyes I stood up and headed for the cleaning station.
"See you at Life skills." I called over my shoulder. A lump of panic started to build up in my throat. Nothing has changed in the three years that I've been on Starship UK. Ever since the world burned in 2160 we have been drifting, searching for a new earth. It seemed we weren't the only ones who noticed the food difference as people shot panicked looks around the cafeteria. Placing my tin and fork in to the washing bowl I turned to the exit. Not looking where I was going however I bumped in to a hard chest.
"Ouch." A male voice said as I accidentally stood on his foot.
"Sorry!" I squeaked. My eyes traveled towards the mans face and my mouth dropped open. It was Alpha. Or that's what people called him, no one uses their real names anymore, but nick names. I don't want to know how this man got his name. Everyone knew about Alpha. You couldn't miss such a guy: with black eyes and hair, carried on his muscular body. "Alpha." I bowed my head in respect, careful not to look him in the eye, apparently he sees that as a challenge.
"You better watch where you walk next time bitch or you will be punished." He snarled and shoved past me. My hands were shaking slightly and I blew out a ragged breath. It's okay. He can't hurt you, that's not allowed. Any crimes committed on the ship big or small had the same tragic ending. Being 'extricated' where you are pushed out an air lock and in to space. The death is instant. It may sound cruel but when you have 49 thousand people on board a ship there is no room for mercy and a chance of an uprising.

It was a short walk from the cafeteria, down some busy corridors, to the left of the ship. Lining the sides were windows. When I first saw the view of space I was mesmerised, but now the vast darkness sometimes gifted with jealous burning stars made me feel lonely. Cold.

I entered my LS room to find the rest of the class, containing 30 kids from 17-18 years old, already seated. Each desk had on it a box with holes in the top and a few bottles. Sandy our teacher, was tapping his foot impatiently waiting for the class to be quiet.
"Right!" He screamed over the class chatter. Alpha entered the room late and glared at the teacher, daring him to tell him off. Sandy wisely ignored Alphas presence but I couldn't look away. He walked with confidence to the back where he sat on his own.
"Now. You are probably all wondering what's in the boxes." Sandy continued. "For your project you will be given something very simple to some and not to others. In pairs.." At those words the class erupted with people sorting out who they wanted to be with. "Which I will be choosing!" He added. "You will keep this plant alive. This may sound extremely easy but remember plants need sunlight which is your first problem you must over come. Also this plant is extremely dangerous and if you touch the tendrils which are their leaves- you will be burned by the exoacid."

My stomach felt constricted as I dreaded who my partner would be. Please let me be with Raven. Our names were written on a piece of card and then placed in a hat. One by one he picked out the names. "Rock is with Sunny. Mint and Storm...." I clenched my fists in anticipation. "Alpha and.." The class held their breath and I felt sorry for who ever had to be with him. "Sky."
He called my name giving me an apologetic glance. Raven who was sitting beside me patted my back in encouragement as I got up from my seat. I didn't meet his cold stare as I stumbled to the seat beside him. People began talking some in happiness and others starting their work. I cleared my throat and turned to him. He watched me like a predator watches his prey scanning my body for signs of weaknesses. His eyes raked me up and down in deliberate slowness and I started fidgeting under his gaze.
"So.." My voice sounded off as I spoke.
"You have to know three things about me if you want to survive this term. Firstly I don't do any work and you will do all of mine for me without complaint or snitching." He snarled at me. "Secondly you don't talk unless I ask you a question. And thirdly: I don't like you, we are not friends so don't piss me off."
I flinched away from him and felt anger bubble up inside of me.
"You can't make me do all the work!" I argued in a voice I wish sounded less scared.
"Yes I can. So you better start." The box was pushed across the table and I stopped it from falling off the edge. In irritation I took out the odd looking plant. It's leaves were like anemone from the sea, each with bright colours. I concluded the plant was beautiful. We were each given a sheet to fill in and both of them were shoved in front of me.
"I refuse to do all your work." I protested. Am I brave or stupid I'm not sure- maybe both. He looked at me shocked clearly not used to being told no. Feeling like his silence was a win I pushed the plant towards him. However I overestimated the light weight and it went too far, I watched it fall off the table slowly to the ground. My heart sank and I waited for the sound of it hitting the floor. But there was nothing.
"Fuck!!!" Alpha wailed as he slammed the plant back on to the desk having caught it by the tendrils. Instantly his hand was trailed with burns cutting deep in to his hot flesh. He clutched his injured hand to his chest his eyes still on me. His irises were blazing like a wild fire making my heart race. Alpha quickly snatched the spray for the plants on the table and the liquid squirted in to my eyes. Like they had been lit on fire I jumped up and started running around trying to stop the pain. Screaming in insanity.
"Alpha!" I heard Sandy yell although had no clue where they were. "What have you done?"

"She started it." He rebuked sounding like a child.

"Detention for both of you!"

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