Chapter 11: Memory

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I felt so unbelievably helpless. Everything seemed to be against us and glancing at the clock I noticed he only had seven hours left.
"We need to find somewhere to hide you."
"There's no where. They have eyes everywhere." He croaked with no hope.

'Hope' is apparently the strongest feeling you can have. It can drive a nation in to battle and keep a heart beating but I disagree. Fear, that is what makes people do the worst of things. Your morals and compassion fly out the window when a gun's pressed to your head.

Inside my brain it clicked and a ghost of a smile flickered across my features.
"I have a plan."


The screen of the extremely old tablet was held against the camera in my room. On the screen of the tablet was a video of me sleeping and then getting up. Every morning and evening the person on the screen will wake up leave then come back and sleep. Twist helped me make the video using high tech CGI. My eyes were heavy with sleep. What were we going to do now? They would realise he was gone eventually. I took the pills out of my pocket and began tossing them about in the small glass tube. Twist suddenly sat up in my bed, his blond curly hair a mess and green eyes wild.
"Where did you get those?"
I handed them to him. "Stole them from the laboratory."
"They are.."
"Memory pills." I completed his sentence.
"We can use these to make them forget what we want." He smiled tapping the tube. "This, this might work." Twist jumped up and headed to my desk where he began to tap away at my hover top. He dragged pictures a crossed the screen and transferred it in to a small injection like machine. Taking each individual pill he inserted the data. "Now you just need to get the heads of security to take these. No one below would ever question their decision unless they had a death threat."
"How should we do it?"
"You. You have to do it, if they see me again their memory might flip and they will try kill me."
I nodded and quickly sent a message to Alpha to come to my room. Five minutes later I heard a faint knock on the door and he came in. The heel of his hands rubbing against his tired eyes.
"What is it?" He snapped in a husky voice, leaning back against a wall. "And why the hell are you in here?"
He looked from Twist to me and back again with a cold anger. I explained to him what had happened and the plan, which saying it allowed again sounded practically impossible.
"So we have to somehow get the people who are trained to kill and know everything about these pills. To actually swallow them without knowing and causing a fuss. And me and Trouble has to do it? The people who are already being monitored." He summed up raising his eyebrows. I scratched the back of my neck my throat going dry.
"Yeah that seems about right..."
Alpha stood up straight and clapped his hands.  "We better start thinking then."

I gritted my teeth trying to slow my breathing which would give away my position. My heart was beating in my ears. From around the wall I could make out two guards, Spike stood between them his eyes closed like he was sleeping. It reminded me of on earth when these animals called horses used to sleep standing up. I checked the time and knew it should have happened by now. Come on Twist..... Suddenly the light at the end of the corridor flickered at the same time I saw the red lights on the cameras turn off. Alpha was on the other side of the wall and stood with the syringe of the memory pill in his hand, I held the other two. Plan was for me to distract the guards while Alpha took down Spike. I wet my lips with my tongue my eyes darting to Alpha and back to the men walking towards us, all in white. We held eyes and he mouthed a count down... Three...

What if they killed us before we got to them?


My parents and I would be executed as an example


It's too late now.

I jumped up from my hiding place drawing the attention of the bulky man on the right. My foot swung up kicking his knees out while I slammed my fists in to his head. He collapsed on the floor and I looked up just in time to see the other man roar and pounce on me. He pinned me down under his body weight as I thrashed about trying to find a way out. In the corner of my eye I spotted Alpha and Spike exchanging punches. The man on top of me with dirty hair and bitten nails slapped my face hard before he pulled an electro-gun out from his back pocket and pushed it against my face. I froze. He glared down at me with bristly eyebrows and a map of frown lines marking his wind beaten face. There was nothing I could do to stop him from pulling the trigger and taking my life right then and there. Nothing but my hand carrying the syringe which was ebbing closer and closer to the vein in his neck.  I pushed it in with all the force I could muster making him jump back in shock I quickly pulled it out. His sour expression however soon became dazed as he swayed a bit before falling back unconscious. Not hesitating for a second I scrambled up making sure to inject the first guard befor I ran to help Alpha. The men spared like professionals crashing in to walls and gifting each other with cuts and bruises.
The sound of movement behind me made me turn. I wished I had kept looking at them then maybe I wouldn't be in the grip of the most feared man alive, a knife pressed against my neck.

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