1 week later
Alexis POV
"I want ice cream!!!" I yelled at Liam.
"No! No more sugar for you miss." He said trying to be civil and not yell which I could tell he was about to but held it in.
I turned my head in the 'other' direction (ya see what I did there, huh, no well ok back to the point) and saw Niall...EATING ICE CREAM!!!???
I swiveled my head vac to Liam and pointed to Niall.
He looked quickly glanced at him then looked at me then it looked like his eyes were about to pop out of his head before he furiously looked back at Niall.
"Niall! You hear us talking that no one can have ice cream and your just standing there...EATING ICE CREAM!" Liam screamed at him.
"And?" Niall answered not really seeing the problem.
Liam ran at him and they started to wrestle. I could tell they forgot I was there.
Soooo I decided why not have some ice cream! I strolled over to the freezer and grabbed a carton on vanilla bean.
(AN: vanilla bean is my fav I love vanilla!)
I then grabbed a fork, cause I can't find a single spoon cause of Liam! And walked to my room.
After I finished my Spongebob time and ice cream I decided to watch 'The Secret Life of An American Teenager'
(Best show Eva if your never seen it watch it!)
Just at that moment Louis burst in the room out of breath.
"Did...you...eat any...ice cream?" He said in between breaths.
Before he came in the room I threw the carton on the opposite side of the bed soooo...
I gave him a funny look then said, "you heard Liam screaming at me no ice cream right?"
He shook his head yes in understanding.
"Then you really think I could have grabbed a carton of ice cream, without him seeing?"
"Good point" he agreed and fell for my lie. :)
"We'll Liam wants us all to get down there for a meeting."
I have him a 'and-I-care-why' look.
"Now and you don want to mess with him, he's pissed!" Louis said a hi t of scaredness in his voice.
I huffed, "fineeeeee" I dragged out."
I hoped of my bed and walked Darien the stairs. All the other boys except for Louis who had just walked in where waiting for us.
"Hey, so wats up?" I said boredly acting innocent.
"Someone took a carton of ice cream and ate it," Liam said eyeing me.
"Really? Really Liam? Why do you immediately go to me?"
"Cause you were the one who wanted ice cream and kept begging but I wouldn't give it to you."
"Lex," Harry said, "please, give us an honest answer. Don't lie, we need to be able to trust you," Harry said to me.
I didn't want to lie, I had to tell the truth now. My fave fell a little.
"Alright, I'm not going to lie, I did eat it, but It's not a big deal at all really," I said and rolled my eyes.
Liam face flushed with anger.
"Your grounded!" He yelled at me.
"But..." I tried to protest. "No! No buts!"
"LIAM! It was just ice cream!" I said getting mad.
"Liam, she did tell us the truth, did you want her to lie instead?" Zayn said to Liam.
"No but... lex you completely disobeyed me, I told you no and you did it anyways," he sighed.
"Just...go to your room...I don't want to talk to u right now."
I was close to tears once he said that.
I walked quickly to my room, but I couldn't hold it in.
I was sitting in the hall way up stairs crying when someone picked me up and cradled me like a 5 year old in there arms.
I looked up to see Niall, I couldn't take it anymore and I cuddled close to him, my sobs muffled in his chest.
"Can you bring me to my room?," I asked.
He walked into my room and laid me on my bed.
"Goodnight. I love you." I nodded my head.
"Alexis Marie Tomlinson, don't you ever forget that for a second, we all love you. Sometimes we might not show it but we really do."
He said with a smile. He kissed my forehead and left the room.
"I love you to Niall, I love you all..." I whispered before drifting away into a dreamless sleep.

Adopted by One Direction
FanfictionAlexis is an orphan. She doesnt trust anyone, especiall men which is undersandable due to the things her father and others would do to her. When the boys decide to adopt a child thinking it'll help them mature , alexis is who they pick, seeming diff...