Niall's POV
I walked up the stairs and to Alexis' door knocking on it twice lightly.
I heard shuffling from the other side of the door and then her voice ask,"Who is it?"
"It's Niall, can I please come in," I asked.
She opened the door slowly and didn't open the door much, but gave me enough space to get in.
"Hey, so is there something you need or...." she saod trailing off looking at me.
"Uhh, I actually just came up here to talk to you," I said walking over to her bed and sitting in it, patting the spot next to me.
She sat down and nodded her head for me to continue with what I was going to say.
"Well, you've been really distent latley, and me and the other lads are worried. I mean you haven't really talked to us, and I don't think you have been talking to Louis a lot either.
I just don't want you to feel like you did something wrong, and also I don't want you to think that any of us will do what Harry did to you," I told her.
"I know and I'm sorry. Also I don't think that any of you would do that to me." she said honestly, which I was glad for.
I really didn't want her to think we would do those things, especially to her.
"I'll make sure to spend more time with you guys, promise."
"Okay...oh, I almost forgot to tell you. Zayn wants you to Perrie's flat." I told her.
"Uhh, sure. Whynot," she answered back. "Also...I have someone downstairs that I want you to meet." I was talking about Jasmine.
She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, but nodded her head. "Okay, and let me guess it's a girl?" ahe asked now raising one eyebrow.
My cheeks turned a light shade of pink as I nodded my head.
"Anyways, let's go," I said getting off her bed and waving my hand signaling her to follow.
Alexis stood up off her bed and followed me out the door to the stairs.
Once we reached the bottom step I saw Jasmine smiling sweetly and Zayn and Liam glaring at her but stopped ince they noticed me and Lex.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but just shook it off.
"Umm, Jasmine this is Lex, Lexi this is Jasmine," I said introducing them.
"Nice to meet you, " Jasmine said sticking her hand out, but Lex just stood there, learning against the railing of the stairs, arms crossed as her eyes were squinted slightly just stairing at her.
What the heck?
Alexis POV
Jamsine stook her hand out fir me to shake but I just stood there.
There was something about her that... just didn't feel right.
I don't know what it was, she looked like a super sweet girl, but something in myind tild me not to fall for it, don't trust her.
Somehow there was a bad vibe about her. Niall obviously didn't see anything bad about her, Liam and Zayn though, I can't say the same.
I'm gonna ask them their thoughts on her later, but for right now I'm see anything off about her.
I don't want Niall askinh her out on a date if she is 'evil' or something.
But then again she might not be bad or anything, who knows?

Adopted by One Direction
FanfictionAlexis is an orphan. She doesnt trust anyone, especiall men which is undersandable due to the things her father and others would do to her. When the boys decide to adopt a child thinking it'll help them mature , alexis is who they pick, seeming diff...