~ Alexis POV ~
I slowly woke up to a very annoying bepping noise. That stupid noise won't stop!!
I opened my eyes fully and let ny eyes adjust a little by blinking. Looking around the room I noticed that I was in a hospital bed and that annoying sound was a heart moniter.
What the heck am I doing in a hospital? Where is everybody else? None of the boys are here or the girls, am I alone?
I was snapped out of my thoughts by the door to the room opening and a doctor walking into the room.
"Ahh, I was wondering when you were going to wake up." The woman told me.
"What am I doing here?" I asked her.
"Well, you slipped in a puddle of water at the resturant you were at in the bathroom and hit your head on the counter. You have a slight concusiun but you should be fine." she told me.
What the heck is sh- WAIT!! Jasmine did it! Now I remember. She must have just told them I slipped and hit my head.
"A-are the boys here?" I asked.
"Oh, you mean those boys that cane here with you?" she questioned and I just nodded my head.
"Yes they are, would you like me to send them in?"
"Yes please," I asked. She left the room to go get them and left me to think for a moment.
I have to tell them what she did, but if I do what will she do to me? I'm pretty sure she showed me she isn't afraid to do anything to hurt me considering she put me in the hospital.
I heard the click of the door and all of the boys walkes in. I smiled at them and they returned the gesture.
"How ya fellin' Lex?" Liam asked.
"I feel fine, really," I told him.
"Well that's good?" he told me.
"Umm, can I talk to Niall alone, for a moment," I said looking at the other boys.
They all nodded there heads and left the room while Niall sat in the chair next to my bed.
"Hey," I said. "Hey," he said back.
"Niall, if I tell yoy something will you promise not to take it the wrong way or think bad of me," I asked.
"Of course, you can tell me anything."
"Well in the bathroom, I didn't slip. Someone hit ny head into the counter," I said.
"WHAT?! Who Lex, do you know?" he said, eyes wide.
"I-it was Jasmine."
"What th-" he started to say but I cut him off.
"I know you might not believe me but I swear it was her, she did it as a warning," I told him.
"A warning to what," he said standing up with hus arms crossed, clearly not believing me.
"To stay away from you."
"Your lying!" he said to me.
"I knew you wouldn't belive me! Your to blind to see anything else but her, she has you wrapped her around her finger! You don't see what the rest of us are going through right now because she's changing you. Your not the same caring Niall who was always there for someone when they needed you, no. You've changed, and not for the better." Tears where streaming down my face now.
"Why should I believe you?" he said with venom in his voice.
"You know me Niall, you don't know her. if anyone else did this you wouldn't hesitate to belive me. What makes her different?" I asked.
"She cares about me. She would never hurt anyone, she is sweet and cares about people, she cares about me." he said. He makes her out to be so nice.
"If only she was that way. Niall she is mean and cruel and taking you away from us without you even seeing it. Your barley home and don't notice anything that's happening around you anymore," if only he would believe me.
"She isn't that way!" he yelled.
"Do you know how many things you've missed doing with us because of her?"
"I don't miss anything," he said, I could tell he didn't really belive his own words.
"You mussed my first day of school to drive her to work, you skipped the day we went to the park to get coffee with her." I told him.
"That's different," he said.
"Did you know I forgave Harry?" I asked him.
Shock and surprise flashed across his face. "N-no?"
"Yeah, you don't notice things, only her," I wish he would see that.
"I can't belive you woukd try and ruin tgis for me, I'm finally happy. Why can't you see that?" he asked.
I didn't answer him. He got up and left the room without saying another word. I put me head in my knees and cried, quiet sobs escaping me.
The boys entered the room and rushed to my side once they noticed that I was crying.
"What happened?" Louis asked worridley.
"He didn't belive me," I whispered. "I wana go home, please."
"I'll see when you can be released." Liam said exiting the room.
Louis held me in his arms caressing my hair while I cried I to his shirt.
Liam came back and told me that I could leave. I changed out of the hospital dress I was wearing and Liam got the medicine from the doctor that I'd need to be taking.
We left the hospital and drove home. once we got there I just went up to my room and layed in my bed, not sleeping, but just laying there.
I wish he belived me. I know what's going to happen in the end...and its not gonna be pretty.
He doesn't belive me though, he belives her. I'm his family, she's just a girl he meet and feels he loves.
He may love her, but he doesn't notice that she doesn't really love him.
I'm his sister and I care about him, yeah we may not be related by blood, but blood diesnt maje a family, love does.
And he can't see we love him, more than she ever could.
But he's blind, and she's the cause.

Adopted by One Direction
FanfictionAlexis is an orphan. She doesnt trust anyone, especiall men which is undersandable due to the things her father and others would do to her. When the boys decide to adopt a child thinking it'll help them mature , alexis is who they pick, seeming diff...