Harry POV
Why did Alexis Do exactly what Liam told her not to??
I mean I understand that she told the truth and everything but she still did it.
Why does she do these kind of things? I mean does she think this is a game?
We have done so much for her! We adopted her and took her away from that hell hole and then she goes and disobeys us.
I can't believe her! Maybe....maybe we shouldn't have adopted her....maybe we should have chosen someone who had less problems and that would at least respect us.
I understand she has been through a lot but I still remember how she if we even took a step near her she would almost screen or tense.
He has really pissed me off. We gave her a nice place to live a home! A great life and anything she could ever want!
"Hey, Harry me and the other lads are going out for a bit. Keep an eye on lex,well be back soon, kay?"
"Sure Zayn," I answered back to him.
"Well...see ya in a bit!" He said before they all exited the flat.
Alexis POV
I heard the front door of the house close. I wonder if they left me....
I got up and walked to my bed room door and opened it to see a quit empty hallway.
I walked down the stairs and saw Harry sitting on the couch on the living room.
"Hey..." I mumbled to him.
He shoot a look at me and glared. I knitted my eyebrows together because I didn't understand why he was mad at me...
I mean he was the one who was being all sweet and kind earlier...right?
"Ummm....is everything all right Harry?" I asked him concerned.
"You know," he started off, "We have done so much for you and you go and disobey us." He said and I could hear the anger is his voice.
"I'm sorry, but it wasn't that big of a deal, can't you just let it go? Geez Harry," I said back rolling my eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes at me miss!" He yelled back.
"SORRY! I didn't really do a urging wrong, yeah I disobeyed you, but I said I was sorry! What do you want me to do?" I answered getting mad.
"I'm sorry ok Harry, I really am!" I said looking into his eyes.
He got up off the couch and walked forwards me.
"I never asked you to! I didn't want to be adopted, I'd rather be back in that orphanage than here with you!" I said anger taking over.
Then I felt a hand cone in contact with my left cheek. I looked up to see Harry slapped me.
I was shocked at first, then I started shacking in fear.
His expression of anger quickly changed to guilt.
"Lex..." He said softly but it was if those words weren't heard by my ears.
"No...stay away from me!" I said tears started pouring from my eyes.
I quickly stepped back and fell to the floor.
He took a step forward and I screamed.
At that the boys opened the front door.
"Hey we're hom-WHAT HAPPENED!" Liam said confused and worried.
"I...I..." Harry couldn't even finish a sentence.
Liam came to my side and picked me up and cradled me in his arms but I pushed away from him and started to scream.
I was still holding my cheek.
"Baby girl..." Liam said in a soft voice, calming me a little.
"Don't touch me...PLEASE!" I said sobbing harder.
"HARRY! What the hell did you do!" Louis said stomping over to him.
Harry softened expression turned to anger again, "don't go talking her side louis, she has taken us for granted and we shouldn't have adopted her!"
Those words stung like a knife stabbing me repeatedly in the stomach.
Everyone stared at him shocked at his words.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!" Louis asked again.
"I fricken slapped her!" He screamed back.
"You what!" Zayn screamed.
So much screaming! My head was pounding.
"You didn't." Louis said in almost a whisper, "how could you Harry...what have you become...you have know idea lex means to us, do you.
She is are fricken sister and you go and slap her!"
"You know her past yet you ruin are trust with her and destroyed you and her bond..." Louis said back.
Then Louis punched Harry square in the face making him stumble back.
"Louis!" The other 3 boys screamed.
Louis turned around to face me, "lex...whatever Harry did please don't take it out on us..." He said tears forming in his eyes.
He stepped over to me and bent down to my level.
He softly touched my shoulder and I flinched back.
I looked into his sad eyes and saw pain in them.
I knew louis had nothing to do with this and that I could trust him. Just by the way I looked at him I could tell he loved me and there he didn't feel a drop of hate towards me.
I wrapped my arms around him and he cradled me I his arms and I could feel a smile spread across his face.
I snuggled into him and took in his sweet scent.
"I'm so sorry.."he whispered in my war his voice cracking.
"I believe you would never hurt me," I whispered back and it was true...I trusted Louis.
But I don't think I will ever trust Harry again.

Adopted by One Direction
FanfictionAlexis is an orphan. She doesnt trust anyone, especiall men which is undersandable due to the things her father and others would do to her. When the boys decide to adopt a child thinking it'll help them mature , alexis is who they pick, seeming diff...