~ Alexis POV ~
I walked up the the front desk were a lady who wasn't fat, but she wasn't thin.
She had brown hair that went mid-back and when she looked up to see who was waiting at the desk I saw she had brown eyes.
"May I help you?" she asked, and I found out her name was Ms. Currey from the nametag she was wearing.
"Hi, I'm a new student. My name is Alexis Tomlinson," I told her hopeing she knew what I was talking about.
"Oh yes, let me just get you your schedule, planner and the school map," she told me as she started looking through a pile of papers, and pulled out one of the drawer to grab a planner.
"Here you go, and wait one moment here. When the bell rings, one of our students, Erin, will come to show you around the school. She is a very nice girl," Ms. Currey told me.
I sat down in one of the plastic waiting chairs and a few moments later the bell rang.
I waited another minute or so before a girl with blond hair going just past her sholders walked in and looked around the office until her eyes landed on me.
A smile spread across her face as she walked over to me. "Hi I'm Erin, you must be Alexis," she said sticking her hand out for me to shake.
"That's me, nice to meet you," I said and shook her hand back.
"Well we should get started on the 'tour'. Follow me," she said guiding me out of the office and down the hallway.
As I walked I saw other students staring at me. Probably because I was Alexis Tomlinson, One Direction's adopted sister.
I ignored their stares and just kept following Erin until we stopped outside of a door.
"This is your first period class, Math," Erin said gesturing torwards the door. "Your teacher is Ms. Bishop, she is mine as well."
She studied my schedule for a moment before telling me,"In fact we have all the same classes.
The tour was about 15 minutes long and now it was time for us to go to our math class.
I followed her down the hall and we stopped at my locker so I could but my bag in.
I grabbed my binder which the boys had labled 'Math' and noticed they labled all of them for wach of my classes.
When we got to the door and opened it all heads snapped in our direction.
When they saw me I saw people starting to whisper. I knew this was going to happen.
As Erin an I walked over to the teachers desk, I noticed the students eyes following my every movement.
"Ms. Bishop, thus is Alexis, the new student." The teacher stuck her hand out for me to shake while saying,"Its a pleasure for you to join us Alexis. Now let me get you a book and then find you a seat."
Erin left and shr walked over to her seat as I stood at the teavhers desk waiting for my book.
"Now let me see here," she said while looking at the seats in the classroom.
"You can sit next to...Justin. Justin please raise you hand." I looked around and saw a boy with a brown quiff raising his hand up high I'm the air.
I walked over to the table he was seated at and sat in tge chair beside his. -btw the seats are like tables you would see in like a science lab, not desks.-
"Hey, I'm Justin," he said as I grabbed my notebook fron my bag labeled 'Math' and he stuck his hand out.
(And no, its not Justin Bieber. I just really like the name Justin so I decided to use it)
"Alexis Tomlinson, " I replied shaking hus hand as well.
"Hey? Aren't you that girl that was like, adopted by One Direction?" he questioned.
"Yep. That's me," I said while copying notes Ms. Bishop was writing on the board.
"Oh, cool," he said writing the notes as well.
"What's it like? I mean, what's it like living with someone famous?" Justin asked looking at me intentivly.
"It's nice, I guess. The boys are really funny and caring and it's amazing having someone like that in my life considering what my life used to be like?" I told him.
"Oh? What was yout life like before?" He wondered. Dang, shouldn't have brought that up.
"Uh...look I'd rather not talk about it," I told him honestly, not going further into the subject.
By the time lunch came around I had made 5 new friends. Justin and Erin, who you already know about. Katlyn, who I meet in Biology class.
And Noel and Tyler, who I meet both during History class, and also happen to be dating.
As I sat down at the table with my new friends, who also happened to be friends themselves I looked around and easily spotted each group.
You could see the jocks amd preppy girls sitting together one side of the cafeteria and the straight A students who where always studying at another side. You could also wasily point out the bad boys who probably skipped class and failed almost every one. And in the middle was everyone else. The type of normal kids like my new friends, except Tyler who was a quarterback for the football team.
"Uh-oh..." Noel saod as she looked behind me. "Just our luck, look whose headed our way."
As I turned around I say the preppy girls walking our way obviously trying to seen better than everyone else in tge process.
"Well well well. Look who we have here the little bitch adopted by One Direction," I heard one of the girls behind me say.
Well, that hurt a little, but hell to the no, if she thinks she can talk ti me that way.
"Listen hear," I said as I stood up out if my seat. "You better back the hell of before you and your little puppets get hurt." I said referring to the group of girls behind her.
"Excuse me? Oh no you didn't girl," she said said snapping her fingers in a z motion.
"Oh yes I did," I said doing the same z-snap motion.
"Uhgg! Come on girls, lets go," She said. "So soon? See ya round," one of her minions sneared.
"Well of course we will Lenetra, won't we?" the girl who I was talking to earlier asked batting her eyelashes.
I just glarred at them while they laughed and walked away.
I sat back down and asking no one in particular I said, "Who was that?"
"Oh them? That's Hannah (AN: aka OreoLover11) and her little group. The girl who said 'see ya round' was Lenetra." Justin told me.
"Of course you would know, you dated her," Noel remarked. "Ohh. Yeah," Justin said looking down at the table, playing woth his fingers.
I could tell it wasn't a topic he really wanted to talk about.
"Well I'm gonna go put my tray away, want me to take yours?" I asked and they all piled there's on top of mine.
I walked over to where you give the lunchladies your tray and thought to myself. School isn't as bad as I thought it would, its better than I ever thought any school caould be.'

Adopted by One Direction
FanfictionAlexis is an orphan. She doesnt trust anyone, especiall men which is undersandable due to the things her father and others would do to her. When the boys decide to adopt a child thinking it'll help them mature , alexis is who they pick, seeming diff...