Chapter 4

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Calums POV

"Need a ride?" The girl inside the car asked.

"Nah, I'm okay thanks" I lied. I was really fucking tired but I did not need this right now. I really didn't want to speak to her, yet alone, be stuck inside a car with her.

"C'mon it looks like there's a storm coming in, and I wouldn't like you to get caught in the middle of it" she pushed.

She was right the clouds ahead of me were black and they were edging closer.

Fuck it.

"Ugh, fine". I hopped into the passenger seat and sat as she drove. Awkwardness surrounded them so I  entertained myself by starring out the window.

This went on for a while and just when it became unbareable she decided to speak up.

"I'm not that bad you know?"


"I know what you all think of me, especially Stacy. I know I've done some bad things and who I used to be... but I've changed for Michael, because of him I'm a better person. and it frustrates me that nobody sees it and nobody can see passed my past!" she raised her voice near the end.

"Look Millie, I really don't give a flying fuck about how you've changed okay? I trust Michael knows what he's doing. What I don't trust however is how in the space of about two weeks you claim to be a completely new person. I'm not gonna give you the whole 'you hurt him and it'll be the last thing you do' speach because quite frankly I'm not a 12 year old girl but i hope you're just not dumb enough to REALLY fuck things up and hurt him because you can imagine what stacy would do, right?"

She managed to squeak out a little 'right' as a comformation and that was it. The rest of the drive was spent in silence and as soon as the car stopped in front of my house I jumped out with out a word and slammed the door behind me.

I heard the car speed off behind me as the first raindrops began to fall on to my shoulders.


As I walked through the front door I was approached by the glorious sound of yelling.

Ahhh, nothing says home quite like the sound of your parents at each others throats.

As much as I love the banter currently developing between my parents they need to break it up at some point if I'm gonna have at least a decent nights sleep tonight.

Now, this is the most impossible task a teenager is faced. How To Break Up Your Parents Squabbling Without Sounding Like A Five Year Old.
And the sequel; How To Do So Without Also Making It Seem Like You're Taking Sides.

The scene in the kitchen would be enough to make Dr. Phil want to quit his job. Both of my parents are red in the face with fists clenched at their sides.
Oh here we go.

"Mom! Dad! Please for once in your miserable lives can you take a rest from fighting for one day?" They jump apart as I make my presence known to them.

"Calum, honey, we're sorry you had to walk in on such a scene, but your dad is currently being an arrogant prick-" My mother starts.
"I'M BEING ARROGANT?! excuse me but I'm not the one who's refusing to let their husband get a word out-"
Jesus fucking Christ I'm so sick of this
"GUYS! please! I'm gonna go up to my room and I want an early night so if I wake up at any point of this night due to you two yelling I'm gonna flip my shit!"

They both went quite and my father mutters out a small "sorry".

I sigh and walk out the room and make my way upstairs. I'm honestly so tired all I want to do is sleep.

I collapse into my bed as soon as I'm through my bedroom door, clothes on and everything. I feel myself drifting into a deep sleep filled with dreams of my girlfriends hot mother. Stacy's Mom.

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