Chapter 12: Awake, my love

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It's been four days. Four tortuous, unbearingly long days, since the accident. I haven't gone to school the whole week, which doesn't matter since its senior week, so it's okay.

I went to visit Isabella every single day this week and the doctors said that there had been no change. They say that we just have to let her heal, but they're nice enough to let me go see her. But that's only if I show them I.D.

I've memorized where Isabella's room is. Straight down the hallway and take a left at the women's bathroom. Every day I've been there ice made new friends. This young boy in a wheelchair, about eight, named Ryan. He's always talks to me when I walk past his room. Usually about new movies or the newest action figures, which bores me but I listen for two reasons. One. They have found out that he has tumor and they are trying to find a cure. Also because he doesn't have any parents. I talked to Nora and she said that he was dropped ofd at the orphanage by his mom and then she left and never came back. I feel bad fir him and two, he's like the brother I never had. Its weird, but i feel like i can help him. This makes me feel like a kid again. No worries, just me my mom, and my dad. Those were the days. Eventually I have to say goodbye and move on to see Isabella.

Everyday I've seen her she seems to be getting better but I can never tell, or know if she's going to wake up. I talk to her, 'cause I'm pretty sure she can hear me. Isn't that what doctors say? People in a coma can still hear you? I hope so, I want Isabella to hear that I love her and that I'm hear. I stay with her for a few hours until I have to leave to go home. It kills me to leave her like this. But I have no choice, I really just want her to wake up.

* * *

I walk down the hallway to Isabella's room the next day and as usual, people recognize me.

" Hello Antonio," says one of the nurses I passed everyday. " Back again I see," she says and smiles at me.

" Yeah well, I have nothing better to so today," I say casually.

" Nothing except school," she says raising an eyebrow at me.

" It's senior week, we don't have to go to school," I say.

" Hmmm," she says staring at me. Finally she says, " your a good boy. Very dedicated to your girl. If only every man was as good as you." She says and heads into a room. After she leaves I go to Ryan's room. I look into Ryan window and see him talking excitedly to Nora. I smile at him and walk down to Isabella's room.

* * *

I open the door to Isabella's room mad see what I see everyday. Her lying in a hospital gown with wires attached on her arms and legs. The heart monitor beeps steadily and I breathe a sigh if relief for that.

I pull up a chair and sit down next to her. I take her had into mind and look up to see her face. To see her smile, but I'm met with closed eyes and a poker face.

I sigh and say, " I'm back, and Ryan's looking pretty good. Very energetic, as always. I'm not sure Nurse Nora can handle him much more," I chuckled.
" We're all worried about you," I tell her wanting her to tell me that it's going to be fine, but her eyes remain closed, her hand cold and limp.

" Your parents are planning to come see you on the weekend and your brother is coming to see you too." I say no more and tears start to cloud my vision. The tears fall. " You just have stay with us," I say. I have no more strength to say anything else. I stand up, kiss her on the forehead and turn to leave.

Just before I leave I hear a faint cough come from behind me. I whip around to see Isabella's eyes trying to open her eyes. I run to her side and take her hand.

" Shhhh, I'm here," I whisper. I press the red button on the heart monitor to call the nurse Nora like she taught me to do. " Just rest. I'll be right here." She slowly closes her eyes and goes to sleep. All I can think of is, she's awake, she's awake.

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