1 School Day Like Everyday

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A/N: This is my first story so sorry if it's not so good! (This is future me, I want to say that I promise the writing and details get a lot better as the story goes.)


(H/C)= Hair colour

(F/C)= Favorite colour

(S/T)= Skin tone

(E/C)= Eye colour

(B/N)= Brother's name

(Y/N)= Your name

Today was like every other day. Boring. It was only Wednesday and you just dreaded the thought of having to come back tomorrow too. You sighed as you watched the clock. The stupid thing has been on 1:14 for what seems like five minutes now! Thank god today was an early out so now there's only 46 minutes left of school. 

As the clock finally struck 2:00 the female jumped up out of her seat and bolted to the door. She reached her locker and put everything that she needed in her (F/C) bag and left the dreaded prison. 'Why does school make time seem so long but yet in the morning it's like every second is five minutes?' She asked herself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

On her way home she pulled out her phone and started to listen to her music she downloaded. It just seemed like the perfect time to listen to something to keep her mind off things. She peacefully listened to (F/S) until she got home.

When she reached her house she hung up her backpack and sighed.

"Why do teachers give so much homework?!" She grumbled. There was only three weeks left of school and the teachers thought it would be so funny to give them the most homework they had all year. She ran her fingers through her silky (H/C) hair and pulled out some of her math homework the teacher assigned today.

"I swear one of these days I'll go insane with how much crap they give us." The (H/C) muttered to no one. She started to do her homework when she heard her brother bust through the doors. He is three years younger than you and is pain in the neck. He looked a little bit like you but was definitely the exact opposite when it came to personalities. The younger boy had the same (E/c) eyes, but had a lighter hair colour than yours and freckles all over his cheeks. He walked up to you, looking over your shoulder.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Well (B/N) if you couldn't tell already I'm doing my homework." She replied sarcastically.

"Ha! I don't have homework, sucker!" He yelled. You finished your homework and looked at him.

"Well good for you." You gathered all your things and put them back in your (F/C) backpack.

You went into your room and sat down on your bed, laying across the bed sheets.

You and your family don't really have a close bond with each other. Don't get me wrong, you still love your family and talk to each other, but your brother is the most rude, selfish, and annoying thing to have ever walked this earth.

Your mom doesn't exactly keep secrets, she tends to blab away your problems to everyone is this world.

You get along with your dad just fine but he's never really home and sometimes he's in a bad mood so it makes him grumpy and not fun to be around. You just hide away in your room all the time or spend it with friends so your family never really sees you. Sometimes they forget your even home.

You wish you could hang out with them more but you can't really be around each other for more then 15 minutes without either tearing each other's throats out or making hell on earth. But sometimes it could be really nice. Like everyone is in a good mood that day.

You grab your laptop and start re-watching some of your favorite Hetalia episodes. You sigh and wished that they were real. It would be so cool to have all of them as your friends! They would probably understand you completely.... Or at least more than anyone you know. You don't realize until your (E/C) eyes start to shut that you are extremely tired. 'I guess not having enough sleep from the night before could really wear you out through the day.' You thought. You yawn and put your laptop away. You crawl back onto your (F/C) bed and decide to take a short nap until dinner. You calmly drift off to sleep feeling like you had no troubles in the world.

Well who knew that a certain something happened to be listening to your wishes before you "fell asleep".

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