3 Day with the Nordics

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(H/C)= Hair colour

(E/C)= Eye colour

(F/C)= Favorite colour

(Y/N)= Name

(S/T)= Skin tone

You stand there in utter shock. 'How is this happening? How is this possible? How are they real? How did I get here anyways? Oh god. Oh god. How am I going to get back?!' 

As all these thoughts run through your mind, you are snapped out of your trance by a hand being waved in front of your face.

"Hey. (Y/N)? Are you okay?" The tall Danish man with gravity defying hair said to you. His blue eyes full of wonder of what you were thinking. You shake your head to get your senses back and answer.

"Yeah I'm- I'm fine." You say. Denmark placed both of his hands on your shoulders and looked at you straight in the eyes, as if trying to read your mind. He gave you a concerned look.

"Are you sure yer' fine?" You knew that he didn't believe you at all. There was a good chance that he wasn't going to let you go until you gave him your full, honest answer.

You looked him the eyes and replied.

"I'm fine. I'm just really confused about what's going on is all."  He gave you a satisfied look and went back to his goofball smile.

"Good. Now we can help you figure out what's going on!"

He walked over to the other Nordics to stand by them, almost looking triumphant that he got you to tell them what your were thinking.

They all stared at you, waiting for you to speak. You looked sideways a little bit before deciding to talk.

"Well I just wondering how I got here... Or anything along this lines..." The Nordics exchanged looks and Finland decided to speak up.

"Well, everyone was bored and we decided to try to come out here to find something to do. As everyone was searching around, Iceland stumbled across you laying there and called us over."

You glanced over to Iceland and saw him nod his head to agree with what Finland was saying.

 "We got over there and saw you passed out, so we weren't sure what happened to you. But then you woke up and now we're here!" He concluded in his normal, cheery voice.

You gave a small smile at his attitude.

He had a very cheerful aura around him that made everything seem at peace. Plus, his smile that he was giving off, was really contagious. Finland looked at you again and walked over to you. He place a hand on your shoulder before giving you a warming smile.

"Do you have a place to stay at (Y/N)?" He already knew your answer but didn't want to be rude about it.

You almost deadpanned and ever so badly wanted to give them the most sarcastic answer your whole life had to offer, but you knew Finland was just trying to be nice about it. Also you really didn't want to be rude to them either. By the looks of it, these guys will be helping you a lot, and you didn't feel the need to already give off more bad impressions.

 Plus, the thought of upsetting a certain Swede, didn't sound too good right now.

"Uh. No. I don't." You say in a soft tone and casted your attention down to the green grass. Finland smiled even more warmly, if that was even possible, and spoke.

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