17 This Should Be Interesting

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(H/C)= Hair colour

(E/C)= Eye colour

(F/C)= Favorite colour

(Y/N)= Name

(S/T)= Skin tone

(M/N)= Male name

(W/F)= Worst fear

You lay peacefully in your bed. Not a sound could be heard across the house. It was a calming quiet and you could hear a pen drop, it was so quiet.

1:33. That's the time that showed on your (F/C) alarm clock.

You were sleeping in your new, guy form, without a sound. In the other rooms there was the same result... with an exception of one.

All was peaceful, all was nice... And then it happened.


You jumped awake, startled and felt like you had a heart attack when you were, rudely, awoke.

You listen for more sounds just to hear the pitter patter of the rain start to hit your window and the howl of the wind, shake the once peaceful home. You rub your tired eyes and sigh. Stupid storm. I was having a great dream.

You lay back down in your (F/C) sheets and try to find a comfortable position. Maybe if I go to sleep now, I can continue the dream. You thought.

Right when the soothing sounds of patterns of the rain started to lull you to sleep, another loud Crack! Could be heard.

You, again, were startled and sat up. Of course. Having a peaceful sleep would be too easy. You roll your (E/C) eyes at your own sarcastic thought and stood up from the bed.

Your room was very chilly, compared to the warmth you got from your covers. Also, since you turned into a guy, you had no clothes to fall asleep in.

Since I'm up, I might as well get some water. I feel like my mouth is as dry as California.

You quietly make your way up the stairs, trying not to wake the guys, if they were still sleeping that is.

The whole house was very dark. Good thing your eyes some-what adjusted, otherwise you would be tripping over your own two feet.

You slowly open the kitchen door, so it didn't make too much noise, and side-stepped in. You carefully tip-toed your way in the kitchen only to be stopped with fear piercing your heart.

In front of you was a figure sitting on the island, in the middle of the kitchen, with it's back turned towards you. You felt your heart stop. OH MY GOD! IS THAT FREAKIN DEMON! GET THE GODDAMN HOLY WATER!  

Of course luck was on your side in this one. Note the sarcasm.

The kitchen door shut behind you, making an ungodly loud Click!

The figures head snapped back to face you and you swore you looked death right in the eye. Do to the darkness in the house, it looked like the figure had no eyes and was hunched over eating something.

Just then another loud Boom! was sounded through the house with a flash of lightning.

Everything was happening so fast and at that, with everything that was racing through your mind, there was only one reaction that came from you. You screamed.

But startling and surprisingly, the figure beat you to it.

The figured screamed in alarm which made you scream even louder and longer. Soon enough it was a screaming fest inside the kitchen.

This is A Dream, Right? HetaliaxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now