Chapter nine:Jealousy

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Troye's POV
At 7:00AM my alarm goes off I get up and walk to the kitchen. I pop 2 pieces of bread in the toaster. Soon my roommate walks in the kitchen and opens the fridge, "Morning Caspar." He looks up from the fridge. "Good morning Troye." He smiles at me and I smile back. He grabs a box of pizza out of the fridge. I grab a jar of Nutella out of the cabinet. I spread out the Nutella on my toast and sit at the table. I hear the microwave beep and Caspar pulls out his pizza. He joins me at the table. I pull out my phone and go through my tumblr dashboard.

Caspar and I eat in silence,I finish and put my plate in the sink. I walk over to my dresser and pick my outfit. I simple blue T-shirt with black skinny jeans and my favorite pair of white platform converse. I go to the bathroom and change,I brush my teeth and start working on my hair.

I hear a knock on the door,I hear Caspar talking with someone. Soon I hear someone walking towards the bathroom door. They knock on the door,I open the door to see my lovely twin sister. "Good morning Troye." She says happily. "Morning Carter." I say back to her equally as happy. I wrap my arms around her hips as she wraps her arms around my neck. We release and I go back to working on my hair grabbing a bottle of hairspray. Carter grabs the bottle telling me to sit. She puts down the bottle and grabs my brush and hair gel. She starts forming my quiff,which she could always do better then me. She grabs the bottle of hairspray and sprays my hair into place. I stand up and look at my hair in the mirror. "Thanks Carter,you're the best." I say admiring my perfect quiff. "No problem big bro." She says in return. "Hey don't tell them you did my hair." She rolls her eyes at me. "Ok." She walks out of the bathroom telling the boys I was fixing my hair. I walk out a few seconds later and grab my bag.

We walk out of the door and lock it with my key. We walk towards the gym so the Dean can talk to the school. We walk in the gym Tyler sits at the end of the bleachers,I was going to sit by him but Carter sat by him. Caspar then sat by her,obviously,so I had to sit by him and a total stranger. The Dean talked to us about the normal stuff you would hear on the first day of school;rules procedures and what's going to happen this school year. The bell soon rings and I smile because I remember I have first period with Tyler.

       **Flashback to 20 minutes ago**

Tyler and I walk by each other,neither of us talking. But I was starting at him studying his beautiful face. He looks over at me,I smile at him and he smiles back. "Hello Troye." He says to me. "Hello Tylah." "What classes do you have?" He asks as I grab my schedule out of my back pocket. I hand it to him and he does the same,we study the schedules. I see we have first period together "Oh heyy we have first period together." He giggles at my excitement. We give each other schedules back smiling.

               **End of flashback**

Carter also has that class,so the three of us walk to first period,math. The classes go by pretty slow all the classes talked about the same thing. Then the last bell rings I walk to my dorm and put my bag down. Caspar walks in "Hey Troye what's up?" "Hey Casp,I'm going to Carter and Tyler's dorm." "Carter?" "Yes Caspar and no you can't come." "Why?" "Because I want to talk to her,and if you come guys will be talking the whole time." Caspar blushes "Ok see you later." "Bye Caspar." "Bye Troye." I walk out of my dorm and towards Carter's.

When I get there I knock on the door and Tyler answers it. "Hey Troyeee!" He says with a big smile. "Hey Tylerrrr!" I say back to him. "Come in." He says while moving out of the doorway to let me in. "Hey Troye." Carter says calmly from the kitchen table. "Hey Carter." I say to her sitting at the table. Tyler joins us after closing the door. I look at Carter. "So how was your first day lil sis?" "Good how about you big bro?" "Me too." "Nutella?" She asks while pushing a jar of heaven towards me. "Omg yes!!" I say while grabbing the jar of Nutella. Tyler and Carter start laughing at my actions. "What I like Nutella?" I say causing them to laugh harder. I stare at Carter and Tyler and they soon calm down.

After about 20 minutes of talking about just random things. Like what we want to happen this year,and getting to know each other. We soon say our goodbyes.

"Bye Carter." I say standing up waiting for Carter's response. "Bye Troye." She says standing up and hugging me. We release and I turn to Tyler. "Bye Tyler." "Bye Troye." We say looking into each other's eyes. I could stare into his eyes all day but I can't. He doesn't hug me which makes me confused,I give him a confused look and hold out my arms. Tyler blushes and hugs me around the waist,which makes me smile,and I hug him around the neck. We release and I walk out of the door trying to hind my happiness.

I run back to my dorm to tell Caspar the news that just happened. I unlock the door and yell Caspar's name. He runs from the bathroom pulling up the rest of his pants. "What's the matter?!" "Me and Tyler hugged!" I said smiling from ear to ear. "Awe!" He said clapping. I giggle at his reaction. "So did Carter talk about me?" I roll my eyes at him. "Yah she mentioned you." "Really?!" He yelled. "Caspar calm down,I swear you're in love with her." He blushes. "Well I've liked her ever since we were five." " I know Caspar,ever since we met at Kiddy Play Daycare." We giggle together.

I sit on my bed,and pull out my phone to text Carter.

To Carter😁💕-Hey you wanna go out to dinner tonight?

Carter😁💕-Yah sure,is it just gonna be us?

To Carter😁💕-I'll ask Caspar if he wants to come😉

Carter😁💕-And I'll ask Tyler😉

I roll my eyes at her text and ask Caspar if he wants to go to dinner with us. And of course he said yes so I text
Carter the answer.

To Carter😁💕-Casp said yes,what about Tyler?

Carter😁💕-He said yes too

To Carter😁💕-Yay!

Carter😁💕-Btw we're going to Outback😝

To Carter😁💕- Double yay!

I stand up "Let's go Casp." He stands up with me turning off the lights and locking the door.

We meet up with Carter and Tyler at OutBack about 10 minutes later. Carter and Caspar share a booth on the left side,leaving Tyler and I to share the right booth. Tyler slides in the booth first and I follow after him.

Soon a girl with dark brown hair pulled up into a messy bun,about 5'3 comes over to our table. "Hello I'm Jessica I'll be your severer tonight. Can I help you with some drinks?" Carter and Tyler order a water and Caspar and I order a Coke. "Ok well I'll be back with those drinks in a few seconds." She paused and looked over a Tyler. "Don't go anywhere." She winks and walks away. I feel jealously rain over me,but I play along with the others and laugh at the actions that just occurred.

Jessica came back a few minutes later with our drinks. "Ok do you guys need more time to look over the menu or are you ready?" "I think we're ready." I say knowing that we've all looked over the menu. Carter and I order steak and potatoes,to see if they're better then what our mom makes,and Tyler and Caspar order chicken and green beans. "Ok that will be right out." But just before she walks away she turns and looks at Tyler again. "Hey so what's your name?" "Um Tyler." He says awkwardly. I look at Tyler and back at Jessica to hear her response. "Do you want to go out sometime Tyler?" I look at Tyler in shock,and when I look at him he has a look on his face whispering 'help me'. I turn back to Jessica and say "Sorry he's already taken." Wrapping my arm around him to make it believable. "Oh sorry." She says and walks away.

I keep my arm around Tyler for a while,because I like the way it feels. It just feels right and I right and I don't know why. "Thanks." He says and I look at him "No problem." His phone buzzes and I let him out of my grasp and start talking to Caspar.

Hey guys sorry it's been so long since I've updated,I've been busy lately. But hey I'm back and I'm updating! Yay right? Lol anyway I'm sorry about the wait it won't happen again(unless I'm really busy or something happens but I'll keep y'all up to date next time). I'll probably update Wednesday or Thursday(no promises tho) Anyways remember to...
And follow!
Stay fabulous
Btw I have 202 reads so thank you sooooo much I love y'all so much you don't even know! Ok byeee!👋🏼

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