Chapter five:His cute laugh

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Tyler's POV
"Come here." Carter says standing up as I do the same,we both holding our arms out in the air. Troye gets up without a word and walks over to us. He hugs us tightly at the same time. I relax into him putting my chin on his shoulder. We release,me and Troye stare into each other's eyes making me blush. I try to hind it by sitting on my bed and looking down. I guess Carter notices my awkward state so she says. "Tyler you want to watch a movie? I think I can my Netflix to work now." I nod,not looking up at either of them. "Troye you can join us if you want." Carter says to him. "No I'm g-" he stops mid-sentence because outside it starts to pour. "I guess I'm staying." He laughs his cute little laugh making me blush even more. "Ok well what do we want to watch?" Carter asks. Neither me nor Troye say and anything so Carter says. "What do you want to watch Tyler?" I look up at her trying my hardest not to look at Troye. "Mean girls?" I say smiling. "Oh my goodness I love that movie!" Troye says as I whip my head towards him. "I mean that movie's pretty good I've seen it like twice. Carter made me." Carter laughs. "Oh Troye stop lying." She looks at me. And I back at her. "He watches it all the time,he could probably quote the whole movie." I giggle and look back at Troye,I see he's blushing which makes me giggle even more. "Don't worry Troye,I'm the same way." I say as Carter goes to grab her computer. Troye smiles at me and I smile back. "Hey Carter do you have any popcorn or Nutella?" "Yes and yes they are in the bottom cabinet." "Come on I'll show you." I say to Troye as we head to the kitchen. I grab the Nutella and hand it to Troye as I grab the box of popcorn. I open it and pop a bag into the microwave. "Where are your spoons?" Troye asks looking through the drawers. "Right here." I say opening a drawer next to me and head him three spoons. The microwave beeps as Troye opens it. I try to grab a bowl from the top cabinet,but me being quite short I can't reach it. Troye walks over and grabs the bowl handing it to me. "Thanks." I say to him. "No problem,I'm used to it with Carter." He says the last part quietly so Carter doesn't hear him. We grab the popcorn and Nutella and walk back towards the beds. Carter already has the movie up on her laptop. As we sit down on her bed she hits play. She's sitting closest to the wall,while Troye is sitting closest to my bed. Which leaves me to be in the middle. Carter and Troye lay down,I soon join them. Cater lays her head on my collar bone,I don't mind since we seem to already be good friends. "I know you like Troye." Carter whispers in my ear quietly so Troye can't hear her. I look at her and whisper back. "How?" "Just the way look at him. And talk to him. And act around him." I blush. "Please don't tell him." I beg her. "I won't I promise. I'm not that type of person." I smile at her and focus back on the movie. Just as I thought everything was back to normal Carter whispers. "Put your arm around him." I turn to her and whisper yell. "No!" "Yes,I want to see how he reacts." She begs me with a puppy dog face. I couldn't resist,I roll my eyes and put my arm around Troye. He stiffens at first but then relaxes into me.

Hey sorry I didn't update yesterday or Friday I was busy. I'll probably update again tomorrow or Tuesday. I'll see you again,later taters! Remember to...
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Remember to smile 😊

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