Chapter One

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Edd slid the last of his books neatly into place in his locker. He took a pen to the miniature calendar hung on the back wall-a gift from the observatory for all of his volunteer hours over the summer-and drew a neat line through the box corresponding to the current date. Grinning, he adjusted his bag and stood, rolling his shoulders back. He'd made it through the first week of high school without incident.

Perhaps the horror stories I have heard regarding the treatment of so-called "nerds" such as myself are merely that: stories.

He had done his best to keep his head down and not draw attention to himself, but still, he considered himself lucky. He could keep this up for four years without difficulty; he was sure of it. With a bounce in his step, he trotted down the halls, eager to meet Ed and Eddy in front of the school to commence their walk home together. He rounded a corner and saw a familiar face by the water fountain. Slowing his pace, he stepped out of the flow of students.

"Greetings, Kevin!" he said brightly. He reached a hand up to adjust his hat and smiled.

"Oh, hey, Double Dork." Kevin turned at the waist to greet his neighbor. The nickname came easily and kindly, a habit from their childhood days. "How's it hangin'?"

"My week has gone unexpectedly well, thank you. Has yours lived up to expectations?"

"Sure. I guess. Made some new friends," Kevin gestured at behind him at the two girls standing there. "Brit, Mikayla, this is Edd. He's been my neighbor since we were kids."
"Salutations!" Edd extended a hand in greeting. When the girls simply stared at him, his smile began to falter and he withdrew his hand.

"Kevin," the blonder of the two whined. "Why are you talking to this dork when you could be talking to us?" She leaned on his arm and smiled at him flirtatiously.

"Hey, he may be a dork, but he's not bad if you give him a chance!" Kevin stepped away from the girl and threw an arm around Edd's shoulders. With an uncertain smile, Edd extended his hand again in a gesture of friendliness.

The girl sniffed and looked away. "Whatever, Kevin. We'll see you later. Maybe. Come on, Mikayla." The girls linked arms and walked away, whispering furiously.

Kevin looked down and thought he caught a glimpse of moisture in Edd's eyes. Before he could bring it up, Edd ducked out from underneath his arm and gave him a thin-lipped smile. He expressed his need to catch up with his friends before they left him behind and ran off, turning to give a quick wave before turning the corner. Kevin rubbed the back of his neck.

Poor kid, he thought. He stared after him for a moment and then ran off to find the girls.

"Double D! What the hell, man?" Eddy jumped up from the front steps and snatched up his backpack. "We've been waiting for, like, forever."

"Actually, Eddy, considering that the dismissing bell only rang five and a half minutes ago and that the traffic flow of students is incredibly inefficient, to say the least, I would likely be correct in predicting that you have only been waiting a mere three to four minutes." Eddy rolled his eyes, and Edd smiled. "However, I appreciate the sentiment and reciprocate your feelings. I missed you, too."

Eddy swiped at Edd's hat in jest. "Oh, put a sock in it, Double D. Come on. Ed ran off after a butterfly or something. He's probably halfway home by now."

Edd shifted his bag further to the side and set off with his friend. He listened with a faint smile as Eddy proposed a series of ideas for their senior prank (never mind that they were only freshmen at the moment). Having perfected the art of appearing as though he were listening, it took a few moments before Edd realized that he was walking alone. He slowed to a stop, looking around him.


Hearing no response, Edd uneasily started toward home again, figuring the mischievous teen had found some distraction or other. The silence left him alone to brood. He almost made it through the entire week without incident. Why was there such a stigma attached to the title of "nerd"? Intelligence is something to be proud of, to cherish.

Perhaps they believe I feel myself superior, he mused, a misconception that could be easily eradicated should anyone take the time to speak with me.

He pondered for a few more minutes before shaking it off. He could accept the week as a success despite the minor occurrence this afternoon. Besides, it happened after school had ended; technically his school week had ended flawlessly. With this thought in mind, his mood lightened considerably. He relaxed, easing his shoulders back down to their natural position, just in time to be enveloped in two strong arms. Effortlessly placing a face to the enthusiastic hug, Edd squeaked out a greeting to the largest of the Eds.

"Double D! I missed you! I sculpted your face into my gravy at lunch as a present, but I ate it. I hope you aren't mad at me." Ed squinted down at his friend, concern creasing his brow.

"Not at all, Ed! I am quite flattered by the gesture! Now, if you could perhaps set me down?" Edd wheezed.

Ed immediately released his grip and Edd staggered free. Eddy slapped him on the back, causing him to stumble before Ed caught and righted him. Sandwiched between his friends, Edd allowed his earlier grin to creep back across his lips as they turned into the familiar cul-de-sac.

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