Chapter Fourty Nine

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Kevin stood on a doorstep that he'd stood on thousands of times before, and for the first time he hesitated to knock. This time was different. He wasn't here to stay; he was here to pick a certain someone up and take him out. Out in downtown Peach Creek. With his parents. Fuck.

He shifted his crutches, tucking them both under his left arm, and lifted his free hand to knock. Before he could, the door flew open, a hand closed around the front of the shirt, and he was jerked inside before the door slammed shut behind him. He staggered, trying to keep his balance on his one good leg, and by the time the disorientation had worn off he had two pale arms wrapped securely around his waist.


"No, don't speak. You'll ruin it."

Kevin ran his hand up and down Edd's back softly, following the curve of his spine. "You nervous?"

"I believe I asked you not to speak."

"Nah, you kinda demanded it actually."

"Kevin, you are ruining it."

The redhead laughed and buried his face in Edd's hat, and Edd couldn't help the smile that spread across his face. Of course he was nervous. He was about to have dinner with his boyfriend and his boyfriend's suspicious parents, who until recently were thoroughly prepared to do everything in their power to keep the two teenagers well apart. He had no reason to not be nervous...except perhaps for the solid weight in front of him.

"I'm ready," Edd said into Kevin's shirt, but he didn't let go quite yet. "Are you certain-"

"Yes, Edd. For the billionth time. It's gonna be fine." Kevin tugged at the end of Edd's hat until the dork's forehead was exposed and planted a kiss there. "Eddy's letting us borrow his car, right?"

"Yes, with a strict warning that should we put so much as a scratch in it he will disembowel us." Edd fished the keys from his pocket and gave them a little shake. "We're also strictly forbidden from engaging in any sordid activities in it, but I figured that was sort of a given."

"Aw, damn."

The restaurant was small, quiet, more of a café in Edd's opinion. He'd chosen it himself, knowing that it was clean and served dishes that appealed to him. He also had it on good authority that the burgers were acceptable, something he was sure Kevin and his father would appreciate. He'd hoped to arrive early to give himself time to prepare himself mentally for the occasion, but it seemed Mr. and Mrs. Barr had had the same idea. They arrived at the same time. Fumbling hugs and muttered greetings were exchanged quickly, the rumbling of stomachs enough to hurry them inside. Within a few minutes, they were seated with drinks-sodas for the Barrs and a water for Edd-and staring down at their menus in awkward silence. Edd knew what he wanted before he walked in the door, and he had a sneaking suspicion that so had everyone else, but the laminated pages offered the distraction that was needed. Too soon, it was time to order their dishes, and their distractions were removed from in front of them.

"So..." Mrs. Barr began.

Mr. Barr grunted in response. "Did you boys catch the game last night?"

Kevin and Edd exchanged a glance. "Er, no. Edd had a documentary he wanted to watch."

"Documentary?" Kevin's father looked as if he'd swallowed a bug.

"Yeah." Kevin shrugged a shoulder and lifted his glass to his lips. "It was about bigfoot. A bunch of guys went out with all this equipment trying to find him."

"Did they?"

Edd swallowed a grin at Mr. Barr's sudden interest and shook his head. "No, of course not. He is a mythical creature."

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