Chapter Nine

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"Eddy! I really must insist! I want no part in this!"

Edd's protests fell on deaf ears. Eddy stood on his right and Ed on his left, each holding one of his arms, dragging him towards the baseball field. Students milled around chatting, buying snacks from the concession stand, snapping pictures with their phones; an excited buzz filled the air. The regional playoff game was today and it looked like the whole school had come out to support the baseball team. If the Peach Creek High Junior team won today, they would qualify for the state championship, a feat that hadn't been achieved in nearly ten years. The Eds pushed their way through the crowd, selecting a spot in the far corner of the bleachers to watch the game from. Eddy made sure to place Edd in the middle so he wouldn't chicken out.

"Oh, man, this is going to be good." Eddy rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

"I didn't know you liked baseball, Eddy!" Ed slapped his friend on the back, grinning from ear to ear.

"I don't, you idiot! I'm talking about our genius plan. I can't believe you had the idea in the first place, Ed. You're normally no help at all, but laxatives in the water cooler? Genius, Ed, pure genius."

"Thanks, Eddy! My mom has to give them to me when I can't-"

"That's enough, Ed, thank you. Eddy," Edd whined, "I don't understand why I need to be here. I did not participate in tampering with the water cooler, and I have quite a bit of studying to do. Besides, this game is very important to the school. I'm not so certain this was a good idea."

"Oh, can it, Double D. Kevin deserves it."

"And what, pray tell, did Kevin do this time?"

"If you must know," Eddy replied, sarcastically mimicking Edd's manner of speaking, "he asked Nazz to the spring dance just to spite me."

Edd sighed heavily. "Eddy, Kevin has the right to ask anyone he wants to the dance. Besides, Nazz chose to go with him. Doesn't that mean that she is as deserving of your anger as Kevin?"

Eddy faced worked furiously through several emotions before settling on disinterest. "That's-it's different. Just shut up, Edd. We already put the laxatives in, and the game is about to start. There's no stopping it now."

Edd shifted uncomfortably. He gazed down the field toward the dugout where Kevin sat laughing and joking with his fellow teammates. It had been months since his last interaction with the jock-excluding a terse "Merry Christmas" uttered in passing at Nazz's holiday party-but Edd couldn't help but feel guilty. Kevin did not deserve this, no matter what Eddy thought. He knew he couldn't do anything about the water cooler short of confessing to the crime and taking the beating that would be sure to follow, but... Suddenly, Kevin stood and separated from the team, sprinting back toward the locker room. Seeing his opportunity, Edd stood abruptly and asked if anyone wanted snacks.

At the concession stand, Edd purchased two bottles of water and one of a generic sports drink. He shoved them into his bag and ran for the school, arriving outside of the locker room just as Kevin reemerged with an armful of metal bats. Surprise registered behind his eyes, but he played it cool, as always.

"Oh, hey, Double D. Long time no see. What's up?"

"Kevin. I need you to trust me. I brought you some water and a sports drink, and I highly suggest that you stick to drinking them for the duration of the game."

"Uh, what are you t-"

"I cannot give you any further explanation, and for that I apologize, but please. Trust me."

Edd threw the strap of his bag over Kevin's shoulder, adjusting it with quick motions, careful not to knock the bats out of Kevin's hands. Edd gripped the strap in one hand and pulled Kevin closer.

"I need this bag back," he said.

Edd released the strap, noting with interest the pink tint in Kevin's cheeks. He shoved the thoughts away, refusing to consider what implications Kevin's blush may hold. He took off for the concession stand at a light jog, anxious to get the snacks and return to his friends before they came looking for him. Kevin watched him leave, cheeks burning from the surprisingly (and likely unintentionally) sexy gesture.Damn, Double D. Didn't know you had it in you. Kevin heard the coach shouting for him and he ran back to the dugout. Matt walked around handing out water bottles. Kevin reached for one but decided it couldn't hurt to take Edd's advice. He pondered the boy's strange actions for a moment before shrugging it off.

The game was starting.

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