Chapter Fourty Two

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The last day of school was an absolute waste of time, and even Edd could admit it. They came until noon to receive their final report cards and fulfill the state attendance requirements. Even the teachers left the second the final bell rang. The halls would clear in record time, the school shut down within half an hour, and then summer break would begin. They just had to last an excruciating four hours and it would all be over.

Kevin's motorcycle, a birthday gift from his parents, had broken down the day before and was in the shop, so the redhead took up Nazz's offer of a ride. She had to be there early to help clean out the girls' locker room, and as luck would have it, so did Ed. Eddy parked his car right next to Nazz's only a few moments after the blonde pulled in. He got out immediately and offered to walk her inside. Ed gave Kevin a quick nod before following behind. The redhead stood and stretched, groaning. When he looked back, he realized that Edd had fallen asleep in the backseat of Eddy's car. He grinned to himself and opened the door, sliding in beside him. He shook Edd's shoulder gently.

"Double Doooork," he sang. "Time to wake up!"

"Hmm?" Edd rubbed an eye, peering over at Kevin with the other. "Kevin?"

"Yeah, babe. Come on, wake up! I want to kiss you before the rest of the school gets here."

"School?" Suddenly Edd shot straight up, nearly clipping Kevin's chin with his shoulder. "We're at school? I fell asleep? Oh, dear...I'm not late, am I?"

"Hey, hey! Calm down. The school doesn't even open to students for another half hour. Chill." He leaned in and wiggled his eyebrows. "Kiss me."

With a giggle, Edd complied. "I was hoping we could get ice cream or something after school lets out," he said when they broke for air, tucking his head under Kevin's chin. The arms around him tightened just a bit. Edd wasn't sure he hadn't imagined it, and when he looked up Kevin was smiling brightly down at him.

"Sure, baby. But, uh..." He scratched the back of his neck, looking to the side. "I have something to do after school. Just a baseball thing. It shouldn't take too long, but you should go home without me. Go play video games with your friends or count your ants or something, and I'll come get you when I'm done. Okay?"

"Oh!" Edd bit down on his lip. There weren't supposed to be any afterschool activities today, but... "Of course! I'll go home with Eddy and Ed, then. When shall I expect you?"

"I don't know...I'll text you when I leave, sound good?"

"That sounds wonderful." He leaned in for one last kiss. Kevin wouldn't lie to him. He trusted his boyfriend to the ends of the earth and back. "Shall we head inside? The parking lot is beginning to fill."

Kevin very suddenly pulled him into a tight hug before releasing just as quickly. "Let's get this over with."

Classes went by slowly, even by Kevin's standards. Most of the teachers showed movies or had board games out; most of the students ignored all of that in favor of their phones or naps sprawled out across the desks. At the end of the day, for the last fifteen minutes before the final bell rang, the students moved back to their homeroom classes to get their final report cards. The redhead was a little nervous. He still wasn't quite sure how his finals had gone. When his name was called, he walked up to take the paper. His eyes scanned the rows for a moment, a grin splitting his face. He let out a loud cheer right there in front of the class, making his teacher jump.

"Y-Yes, congratulations, Mr. Barr. Please don't do that ever again," she said, hand over her heart.

"Sorry." He grinned sheepishly.

Straight A grades was something that he hadn't seen on his report card since the third grade, and until this year he never thought he'd see it again. Edd was going to be so proud, and that thought alone made the whole thing worth it. Maybe he'd even do it again next year. His chest felt tight with a sense of accomplishment. He took the paper to his desk and did the cheesiest thing he thought he'd ever done. Pulling a pink highlighter from his bag, he drew a crooked heart around his final grades. Across the top, he wrote "to the world's greatest tutor" before placing it carefully into his bag to hand to Edd later over ice cream. He leaned back in his seat, tucked his hands behind his head, and shut his eyes to wait out the last five minutes. God, could this day get any better?

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