Chapter Twenty Six

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When Kevin knocked on Edd’s door at five o’clock sharp, he thoroughly expected to be greeted with a glare and an irritated huff. He expected an accusing finger jabbing at the shoe rack before its owner marched back into the living room without another word. He expected to apologize profusely, perhaps beg a little and kiss away a few tears. Nazz had coolly told him not to get his hopes up, but he secretly expected hot makeup sex. At worst, he expected a grumpy boyfriend and a few days of extra affection and effort on his part.

What he did not expect was a cheerful Edd at the door politely requesting that he remove his shoes as usual. He did not expect to be accompanied to the living room and asked how his day had been. He did not expect to find Ed sitting on the couch looking over the textbooks and papers spread neatly across the coffee table with a silly grin on his face. He did not expect to be grabbed from behind and shoved onto the couch by a very pleased-looking Eddy.

He certainly did not expect the next words out of Edd’s mouth to be, “Good afternoon, gentlemen. Welcome to today’s tutoring session.”

Now he sat wedged in between Ed and Eddy on the couch, grudgingly taking notes to keep Eddy from jabbing him in the ribs repeatedly. He knew he was being punished, but having to sit and listen to Ed attempt to learn the transitive property for the eighth time seemed a bit cruel. He suffered in silence; every complaint, every sigh, every time he even breathed funny earned him a swift whack to the back of the head from Eddy. The second time it happened he’d lifted his fist to hit back, but the look on Edd’s face had stopped him. Ed shouted out an answer to a question. He was incorrect. Patiently, Edd began to explain again. Kevin groaned on the inside. Eddy’s hand connected with his head, knocking his hat off.

“What the fuck was that for?” Kevin demanded. He rubbed at the sore spot and shoved his hat back on.

“You won’t stop being a whiny bitch,” Eddy replied.

“I didn’t even say anything!”

“You were thinking it.”

“You little—”

“Gentlemen!” Edd’s voice cut through the air sharply and the two boys fell quiet. “Please behave in a civilized manner.

Kevin grumbled and knocked Eddy’s hand away. “Fuck this. I’m going to the bathroom.” He stood and went to step over Eddy’s legs, but a hand caught the back of his shirt and yanked him back.

“Sit your ass down, Mr. Popularity. The lesson isn’t over yet,” Eddy growled.

“Eddy!” Edd snapped. “Pay attention, please. Since you are so keen on ignoring the lesson, you must understand the concept. Please create a word problem that Ed can solve using the transitive property.”

“Fine,” Eddy grinned. “If Kevin loves the baseball team, and the baseball team hates Sockhead…”

Edd sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Ed looked uneasy as he answered, “Then Kevin hates Sockhead?”

“Well done, Ed!” Edd said quickly. “That is indeed the correct use of the transitive property. I suppose this study session is now over. Please collect your things and leave as I have a significant amount of my own studying to do.”

Kevin let out a sigh as Eddy and Ed disappeared into the front hall. “Finally, we can have some alone time.”

Edd looked up sharply. “What would we need alone time for, Kevin?”

“Uh, so we can talk?”

“Talk about what? The lesson already ended. Unless there is another subject that you require my assistance with?”

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