Chapter 1: H-I-D-E
There's no way that he could be alive.
No way.
Then who is the man standing before him?
Who is the golden haired man before him?
Who is this man, a man that looks like the embodiment of sunshine?
"Hide," Kaneki whispers, worried that if he says the name too loudly that the man will dissapear. "H-I-D-E." This time he speaks even quieter, so quiet that a sound barely escapes his lips. "Is that you?" The man merely stares at him, and his gazes causes Kaneki to shiver. Those eyes... Those mesmerizing eyes... Those eyes he could get lost in... Those eyes that he IS getting lost in...
"Kaneki," the man responds in a heavenly voice, "K-A-N-E-K-I. Is that you?" Tears well up in the man's eyes, and soon stain his pale cheeks. With a shaking hand, Kaneki reaches towards the man, wanting to brush his tears away... Wanting to brush Hide's tears away... His fingertips are a mere centimeter away when all hell brakes lose.
The solid ground beneath them suddenly cracks open, and Kaneki can't help but wonder if some strange beast is going to emerge from within the Earth's core. His heart sinks when he notices a shadowy figure clawing its way up, clawing its way towards...
It happens in a blur. One minute the creature is kilometers away, and the next minute it is clutching Hide by his throat. It is digging its dark claws into Hide's flesh, and leaving a trail of crimson. Hide, struggling to breathe, manages to squeak out, "Kaneki... K-A-N-E-K-I. Why are you hurting me, K-A-N-E-K-I?" As if shocked by lightning, Kaneki realizes that there is no creature, nothing crawling up from the Earth's core...
Kaneki is the creature. Kaneki is the monster. Kaneki is the one clutching Hide by his throat, he is the one digging is dark claws... He doesn't have claws.
He has kagune.
He isn't just making Hide bleed...
He is...
He is on the floor. He is screaming Hide's name. He is pounding his fists against the floor, the floor that has been torn to pieces by his kagune. He utters a few choice words as splinters embed themselves within his hands, causing him to bleed crimson. Both monsters and angels bleed crimson...
"Hide," Kaneki wails, soon growing tired of using the floor as a punching bag. "H-I-D-E. I'm sorry, Hide. H-I-D-E." In a desperate attempt to calm himself down, he repeatedly says and spells Hide's name.
"HiDe", his voice becomes warped, and his throat burns as he repeatedly spells and says Hide's name for hours. "hIdE is dEad bUt hE wAs jUst hEre..."
As his lack of sleep finally catches up with him, and his eyelids begin to drop, Kaneki hears it, the sweet sound of Hide's voice, "I'm here, Kaneki."

illusions- hidekane (kaneki x hide)
FanfictionWas he in love with an illusion? or Is he in love with an illusion? Is Hide dead? or Is Hide alive?