Chapter 4

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I don't remember how I ended up in my room, or in my bed for that matter the next morning. After all of the bizarre incidents that happened yesterday; that following night just seemed to blur and I couldn't remember anything after that.

All I really recall was my dead sister asking me to investigate her murder by giving into this crazy idea that I am a 'ghost medium'. After getting over the initial shock of seeing my sister, I've come to terms that IF this really was a genuine skill then I'll at least give it a try for the sake of my sister's soul, spirit, or whatever's keeping her bound on earth as a ghost. 

I slipped out of my bed and walked across the room into my closet. I stood there for a good little minute. I don't really know how to go about this whole sleuth thing, and I REALLY don't know how to just strike up a conversation with ghosts. When in doubt Google It, I thought.

Closing the closet door I reached under my bed for my laptop. A top of it lay a thin layer of grey dust. I hadn't used this laptop in a while, and you could definitely tell because I still had My Little Pony stickers on the edges. I guess after Kim died I dind't really have a use for it.

Opening it up I typed in, and then searched up the word ghost medium. I clicked on the first website on the list and entered into a website with a crystal ball. The kind that those cheesy fortune tellers use at the fair. I clicked on the link that said: FAQs about ghost mediums.

According to this website, in order to harbour skills as a ghost medium you have to first, visit haunted places. Nothing obscenely scary, but a place that a lot of live  have passed through. An old hotel, battle fields, etc. No that their were any  battlefields around this area, there is a closed hotel just 10 miles outside the gated community. Okay, where getting somewhere.

Next after you've found such a place (which I did) find a quiet area wheree you could be still and calm. Thirdly, quiet your mind, you won't experience things with a conversation racing through your head. Finally extend yourself, so that positive energy is flowing.

What a load of crap. Besides the whole find a haunted area fact, everything after that was utter bull covered in pig crap. Open yourself. I sure as hell wasn't extending myself when my sister popped up in the hallway. Quieting my mind? Ha, okay so maybe I'll just have to go with my instincts as far as dealing with ghosts.

I needed to start finding out about the drug suppliers around here. Maybe if I ask--


Someone was at my front door. I went downstairs to answer it and was greeted by a guy. A real guy.

"Hi, I live 2 houses down and I already checked with my neighbors, I was wondering if you could feel out this survey" he asked.

I looked down at the piece of paper suspiciously.

"It's for my website" he added. Ahh, what the heck.

"Will it take long?" I said.

"No, if you don't really care..maybe if you actually read it" he answered. I liked this kid. He looked about 13 or 14 and was coming into that cool I don't care look so many teen boys tried to accomplish.

"I would ask you to come in", I said closing the door,"but I don't know you like that."

"I wouldn't have wanted to" he responded. Touche.

After about 5 minutes I realized I didn't care and finished the survey about shoes.

"okay done" I told him, handing him the paper.

"He's kind of cue albeit young" my sister remarked from behind my back.

"Do you really have to sneak up on me like that?" I asked.

"uhh, I was under the impression that I hadn't I mean--

Realizing my mistake of speaking out loud, to my sister, whom nobody else could see.

"Oh, no...I uhh, Goodbye!"

I went inside and slammed the door.

"Okay so I know you need help with this whole murder thing" Kim said.

"Oh, no shiz Sherlock"I spoke.

*Breathe In*Breathe Out*

"Really Miranda, I have some valuable information"Kim whined.

"Okay and that is...." I waited.

*Blank Stare*

"Motive!" Kim barked.

"Did you not pay them?" I asked.

"No you pay at the exchange spots " Kim answered.

"But who would have a motive to kill an unknowing 15 year old?" I said out loud.

"Someone who accidentally witnessed a murder" Kim responded.

I slowly turned and gawked at my sister.

What the hell?!

"Uhh, excuse me!Did you just--"

"Yes I know I didn't mention that before but I had to make sure you were going to help me first" Kim interrupted.

"So you ask me to solve your murder, by the way thanks, only to get involved with another" I said. This was crazy. Nuts! I'm going to die in a straight jacket. I'm going to be feed crazy person pills.

I'm totally going to do this.

Maybe, secretly I'ma adrenaline junky. I probably get off on huge rollercoasters and murder mysteries.

"It was a month before I died and I arrived at one of the exchange spots. Iheard a lot of scuffling coming from the alleyway" Kim said.

"Don't tell me you went to 'check it out'" I asked.

"No, but when I heard gunshots, I wanted to leave. Just when I was turning to go a man appeared in front of me, and when I say appear, like from out of the air." Kim explained.

I groaned. "It was the guy who got shot right?"

"yeah, THEN the men who did came out, I was terified and they knew it" Kim said.

"I mean they just killed--"

"But how was I supposed to knkow someone was dead, and that they did it" Kim asked me.


The dead guy.

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