Chapter 3

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           We get to the mall and I carry Vin inside. She lays on my shoulder for a while before wriggling indicating she wanted to walk. I put her down and she grabbed my hand. I hold hers in mine and smile.

            I walk into a clothing store and let her pick out anything she wants to wear. Vin smiles when she sees a purple shirt. She drags me towards the rack and points at it. I grab it and let her keep shopping.

           By the time we were leaving she had picked out 6 shirts and 4 pairs of pants. It wasn't much but it was a start and a lot more than she had before. I decided I wanted to get her something else so I brought her to the toy store. She looked at everything in amazement.

            "You can have anything you want." I smile and let her walk us through the store.

            She walks to the stuffed animals and picked up a stuffed dragon. She pulls on my sleeve and I kneel down closer to her level. "Can I get this?"

             I nod and stand back up. "Of course sweetheart." I smile and bring it up front to pay for it.

             I hold her hand as we meet back up with Harley who is carrying quite a few bags. I roll my eyes and we head for the car. I buckle Vin in the backseat and sit in the passenger seat. Harley puts all her bags in the trunk and gets in the driver side.

             By the time we get home Vin is asleep in the back of the car. I smile and look back at her. I get out and carry her inside. I plop down onto the couch, cradling her as she sleeps. After laying down myself, I hold her close to me and fall asleep. She is pulled close to me and I have a protective arm holding onto her, ready to battle any monster who tries to hurt my little girl.

    There I go again calling her my little girl. I have never felt a bond so strong for anyone other than Harley. It's just something about this little girl that makes me want to protect her and keep her out of harm's way. She was completely innocent and hadn't done one thing wrong in her life. Sure she assaulted that guy, but that was self defense, not to mention it's pretty impressive an underweight 5 year old beat the shit out of a grown man.

    I feel an arm shake me awake about a half an hour later. I open my eyes and see Harley smiling down at me. "You really do love her, don't cha Red?" Harley smiles and sits on the floor next to the couch.

    "I love her like she was my own Harley. She can be the daughter we could never have. She can complete our family, but I need to know you're not going to leave again. I can't do this by myself." I say looking into her sky blue eyes.

    The rims of her eyes begin to fill with tears and they fall. I wipe them away. "I have been wanting to ask you something for a while Harl. I've been afraid of you leaving me and going back to him. But I think now would be as good a time as ever." I lightly place Vin on the couch and get on my knees in front of Harley. I push her hair from her face and smile. "Harleen Frances Quinzel, I love you with all my heart and I want to have this family with you. Will you do the honors of marrying me?"

    Harley smiles and more tears fall. This time out of joy instead of sadness. The only tears I ever want to see come from her eyes. I kiss her. She finally answers. "Pam of course I'll marry ya. I wouldn't want to marry anyone else. I promise to stay with ya forever. No matter what. And I mean that with all of my heart."

    I kiss her again and sit on the floor with her and hold her close. I pull the ring out of my pocket that I forgot to take out when I proposed. I smile and put it on her finger. She turns towards me and kisses me again. "I love ya so much Pamela." She smiles wiping away her tears.

    Vin begins to wake up at this point and looks over at as with tired eyes. "Hey baby girl." I smile at her.

    She smiles back and gets on the floor with us. Harley sits on my lap and Vin lays over both of our legs smiling at us. I sweep some of her hair from her face and smile at her. She still had the stuffed dragon in her arms and hadn't let it go since the store. Harley smiles and runs a hand through Vin's freshly cut hair. "Hey sweetie, do ya think ya wanna stay here with us? We could be your family, if ya let us."

    I smile down at her. "You don't have to if you don't want to. We can bring you wherever you want but just know you always have a home here."

    A big smile forms on Vin's face. "Do you really mean it? You want me?" Tears begin to form in her eyes. "You really want me?"

    I feel my heart break. She really thought we didn't want her. Who wouldn't want such a sweet girl as her. Vin was the only kid I knew who was as brave as she was. She was so much like me too. Her lack of emotions for a long time and finally letting them all out. Since meeting Harley I have been embracing my human half more and more. Now that I have Vin I want nothing more than to be the mother she never had.

    Harley and me both pull her into a tight hug. "Of course we want you. I want nothing more than to make you the happiest little girl in the world." I say and kiss her forehead gently.

    She smiles and leans on us. Harley picks her up as she stands from my lap. She kisses Vin and closes her eyes holding her on the verge of crying. If she felt anything like I did, she didn't know whether to be happy Vin wanted to stay with us or angry about everything that has happened to the poor girl in her short 5 years. Vin puts her arms around her neck and Harley hugs her tighter.

    I watch them like this for a while a few of my own tears falling. I wipe them away and smile. I finally had my family I had always wanted since my own childhood and they were better than anything I ever dreamed of. I stand and walk over to them, engulfing both of them in a hug. Vin giggles and kisses my cheek.

    I smile. "I really do love you Vin." I say holding her face in my hands.

    "I love you too Ivy." She smiles back at me and leans against Harley's shoulder, still looking at me.

    "You know you can call us whatever you want okay? If you want you can keep calling me Ivy or you can call me something else."

    "Would it be okay if I called you Mommy?"  Her voice suddenly growing small.

    I look at her with a stunned smile. "I would love that."

    Harley smiles."What about me?" She chuckles.

    Vin giggles. "Hmm I could call you Mama." She smiles.

    "That is perfect." She smiles and kisses Vin's cheek.

Ivy and Harley's New Adventure (under revision)Where stories live. Discover now