Chapter 15

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I've dedicated this chapter to Mojojojo-is-me. She's pretty much commented on every chapter, and given me great support. Thanks! :)


Chapter 15

I stepped out of the car with Laurence reluctantly helping me. “Thank you.” I said with a smile; he only glowered and went to park the vehicle elsewhere. I took a deep breath and strode to the front door. I tried not to think about the fact that I was about to meet Daniel’s family—a panic attack is the last thing I needed right now.

            The door opened. I expected to see Daniel’s wide smile beaming at me; instead there was a maid with a worn expression. “You must be Miss Jameson.” She said to herself. “Come in dear, come in.” The woman had a grandmotherly feel to her, and the gray hair to look it. “I’ll take your coat.” I shrugged out of my white wool trench coat and put it in her awaiting arms.

            “Thanks.” I smiled nervously. I left her to her work, heading downstairs in search for Daniel.

            His echoing voice found me soon after I had begun my descent. “Is that my lovely girlfriend I see?” He was there, standing in the center of the ballroom waiting for me to come down. As I neared the bottom, he spoke to himself, “My, my, my. She looks gorgeous!”

            I giggled childishly. “Why thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.” I teased.

            I paused on the bottom stair. Daniel wrapped his arms around my waist, picked me up—making me squeal—and kissed me. His lips were soft and sweet on mine and I could not suppress my smile of content. Eventually, he set me back on the floor, but I was not done yet. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me.

            “Get a room, you two.”

            We flew apart immediately to find Daniel’s younger sister, Pippa, standing there. Her cell phone was glued to her ear; she was talking to some other heiress in the area. A blush came up my neck and my face, turning my skin a deep red. “Hmm? Oh, my brother is just snogging with some girl in the ballroom again.” Pippa began to walk away, shooting a final glance back at me. “Yeah, I guess she is pretty; kind of average, if you ask me.”

            Average. I was “kind of average”. I knew I wasn’t supermodel beautiful, but I thought I was a little better than average. And having someone like Pippa King tell me that I was made it sting a little more.

            Daniel sensed my discontent and took my hands in his. “I think you’re the prettiest girl in the world.” He planted a kiss on my forehead. “Don’t doubt it,” he whispered.

            “Daniel!” A high voice called. Because of the echo in the ballroom, I could not tell which direction it came from.

            I looked at him, “Is that your mom?”

            He pressed his lips together. “Yep.” He said, popping the ‘p’.

            I hardly had time to brace myself before Mrs. King came out of the kitchen. “Hailey! Oh my God, it is so wonderful to finally meet you, darling.”

            “It’s very nice to meet you too, Mrs. King.” I replied, allowing her to pull me into a bone crunching hug.

            “Please, call me Elena.” She demanded.

            Daniel stepped in, “Mom, let’s let her go now…”

            I was grateful for him being there when I was finally able to breathe. I kept a smile on my face at all times. “Sorry, love.” Elena apologized. “We’re having Chinese for dinner tonight. I hope you like it!”

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